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Maya got released from the hospital on friday morning, with directions to take it easy. That meant that Carina and Maddie were basically on babysitting duty. Maya was pretty awful at taking it easy. They kept her calm all day friday and saturday, but by Sunday she was getting restless.

"Oh come on! I am fine!!" Maya was trying to convince Maddie that she could go on a run. Carina was at work, so it was just Maddie trying to keep maya taking it easy.

"You have a concussion! You are supposed to rest!" Maddie tried to push her back to the couch

"Mads, im fine, really." She tried to insist

"Okay, let's try it this way." Maddie had an idea "if our roles were reversed, would you let me go for a run right now?"

Maya opened her mouth to reply, then shut it. Maddie had a point. There was no way Maya would've let her go on a run if she had been the one hospitalized. Damn it, the kid was smart. And she was right.

Maddie raised her eyebrows, crossed her arms and smirked in satisfaction.

"When did you get so wise, huh?" Maya asked as she walked back to the couch.

"When you decided to show me what taking care of someone looked like" Maddie grabbed a blanket and climbed onto the couch too. "Rest is important Maya, you helped teach me that. Start treating yourself how you treat me."

"You're right mads" Maya was shocked by how mature her baby sister sounded all the sudden. She opened her arms so Maddie could snuggle in with her.

"I know i am, im very smart" Maddie laughed "if you're good, you can come to PT with me later"

"oh thank god, i need to get out of this house" maya sighed.

They spent a few hours just hanging out on the couch, all snuggled up and talking. After a while it was time to for Maddie to head to PT.

"You want to come?" She asked maya

"Yes please!" She said "i promise i wont try and do anything physical."

"Alright, let's go you idiot" Maddie rolled her eyes and they left the apartment to head to her car.

At PT, maya sat on a bench while Dr. Bowen worked with Maddie. She had made so much progress. She was moving well and regaining some of the strength in her leg. Towards the end of the session, Maddie waved Maya over to where Dr. Bowen had her practicing on a balance ball.

"Mom guess what?" Maddie said excitedly "tell her doc"

Maya raised her eyebrows expectantly

"Well, im really happy with the progress Maddie has been making." Dr. Bowen smiled "she can even stop wearing the boot"

Maddie grinned, thrilled things were getting back to normal.

"But, i still want you taking it easy. No soccer yet, no running. And i still want to see you a couple times a week." Dr. Bowen added.

"That's still great news Mads!" Maya hugged her and turned to the doctor. "Thank you, that's really amazing"

"Of course, Maddie did the hard work. She has been a model patient. I can tell she's been doing all her exercises outside of our sessions too."Dr Bowen said. "Okay so same time on wednesday?"

Maddie and maya thanked the doctor and headed back out to the hallway.

"Do you think Mama has a minute? I want to surprise her!!" Maddie was so freaking excited to be free of the boot, she was also just happy that she happened to have her left shoe in the car. They were at grey Sloan, so surprising Carina seemed like a good idea.

"Sure bubs, let's see if we can get someone to page her if she's not busy." Maya said "hows it feel?"

"Weird. Like my leg feels too light, and my steps are all out of whack. Get the bubble wrap ready, i may be clumsier than usual. Maddie laughed and swing her arm over Maya's shoulder as they approached the nurses station on the labor and delivery floor .

"Hi, my name is Maya bishop, my wife is dr. Deluca. If she's not too busy, could you page her? " Maya asked the nurse who nodded and paged Carina.

After a moment, the Italian came running around the corner, towards her girls.

"What happened, are you okay? Who's hurt?" Carina was panicking. Between Maya's recent hospital visit, and Maddie's relatively frequent ones, seeing them here when she wasnt expecting them was terrifying.

"We are both fine Mama, notice anything different?" Maddie hugged her and stepped back

"You're both fine?" Carina looked between her girls

"Better- check out mads!" Maya laughed

Carina was still trying to calm down when she realized Maddie was wearing 2 shoes for the first time in forever.

"AH! Maddie!! Your leg!! Fantástico!" Carina pulled the girl in for a hug

"We just left PT and i wanted to show you Mama!" Maddie laughed

"That's wonderful Bella, im so happy for you! No pain? You're okay?" Carina immediately switched to dr. Mode

"Totally fine, no soccer or running yet, but hopefully soon" Maddie beamed. She was getting her life back.

They chatted a bit more before carina got paged to the ER, and had to run off. Maddie and Maya headed back to the car and towards home. When they got there, Maddie went to her room. She wanted to text lily, and call Shannon. Her and Shannon had been talking on the phone multiple times a day since Thursday. Maddie still felt awful about having to postpone their date, even though Shannon had assured her she was more than happy to wait, and that family needed to come first.

"Hey beautiful" Shannon answered the phone

"Hey yourself" Maddie grinned into her phone "hows your weekend been?"

"What, since we talked this morning?" Shannon laughed. She did really enjoy how frequently the 2 of them were talking. "My afternoon was fine, uneventful"

"Well, mine was um i guess eventful" Maddie laughed

"Is your sister okay?" Shannon misread the tone.

"Oh yeah, she's fine... i did have to talk her down from trying to go on a run though... but i had a PT appointment this afternoon and guess what!?" Maddie could barely contain her excitement.

"Omg, what!?"

"No more boot!!!" Maddie practically yelled into the phone, but it was okay, because Shannon was yelling her celebrations right back.

"Oh mads, that's great!!!"

"I'm not cleared for soccer or workouts or anything yet, but at least my shoes match now" Maddie chuckled

"You'll be back on the field in no time! We have to celebrate!! Would you want to get dinner tomorrow?" Shannon offered, eager to reschedule their date, but wanting to be sensitive to Maddie's family situation.

"Umm can i check with Maya and Carina? I think Mama will be off work tomorrow, so i wont be on Maya duty, but i want to check. I'd love to though!" Maddie said

"Great, just text me when you know! Oh i gotta run, my brother is home with dinner. Have a great night mads, im so happy for you!" Shannon said

They exchanged goodbyes and hung up.

Oh crap that means she might have a date tomorrow.

"MAYAAAAA" Maddie called, getting nervous.

"Little love, what is it ?? Are you okay?" Maya came sprinting around the corner

"Uh yeah, sorry... um Shannon wants to do dinner tomorrow... what do i wear!?"

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