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"So, that was, a lot" i whispered to Carina. Maddie was asleep in our bed between us, absolutely exhausted. I was glad to see her getting the rest she desperately needed.

"Si, bambina. I am glad she suggested going back to therapy, as opposed to to one of us pushing for it" Carina nodded along, but kept her gaze on Maddie.

She looks so small when she sleeps. I know she's tall, but she is skin and bones. And when she sleeps, it's like she's that little kid again. The little kid who I used to let come into my bed. The kid i promised to protect, the kid i failed for so long. The kid i will never fail again. My kid.

"Bambina, what are you thinking?" Carina asked, breaking me out of my thoughts.

"I don't want to read too much into what she was saying before she went to bed, but ... um i guess we have never really talked about it... but Maddie is our kid. I know she's my sister, but Carina, she's our kid." I said, hoping she could understand what i meant

"Si, i see her like our child too bambina" Carina smiled at me

"Do you think she wants to call us her mom's?"

"Non lo so bambina, but i would be fine if she did, actually i would love it" Carina said and my heart melted.

"Should we bring it up, or wait for her to?" I asked

"Let's let her come to us with it, we can drop hints, but we don't want to pressure her." Carina said, i nodded. "For now, lets go to bed with our piccola amore"

We each kissed Maddie's forehead, careful not to wake her, then kissed each other deeply over our sleeping teenager before rolling over and dozing off ourselves.

I woke up and it was still dark out. I blinked a few times while my eyes tried to adjust, then i realized what woke me up. Maddie was next to me, trembling and whimpering in her sleep.

"Mads, little love?" I tried to wake her up to no avail. She just continued to cry in her sleep.

"what's going on?" Carina asked sleepily waking up.

"I don't know— Maddie honey, wake up" i tried to shake her now

Carina began trying to rouse Maddie as well.

Finally after a few moments, Maddie woke with a start and a small yelp.

"Cuore mío? Are you okay bella?" Carina asked, pushing Maddie's messy hair back

Maddie swallowed, took a deep breath and nodded.

"You sure bubs?"  I asked her

"Yeah it was just a dream. I'm okay mo- Maya" Maddie said, her face going red. "Uh can you help me out of bed... i really need to pee"

I helped Maddie to the bathroom and flounced down on the bed next to Carina.

"I didnt make that up did i? Maddie almost called me mom??" I asked in an excited whisper

"Si bambina, i heard it too!" Carina said, before kissing me "i'm a little jealous" she added with a smirk

I leaned in and kissed her and we made out for a bit before we heard a crash from the bathroom.

"Shit" i said pulling away from Carina and getting up to head to the bathroom "Mads you okay? Can i come in bubs?"

"I'm okay i just fell , but yeah come in i could use a hand" Maddie called. I was so proud of her for accepting and asking for help. So i opened the door, totally not prepared for what had happened.

"Oh my god Maddie!" I called rushing in to the bathroom "CARINA!" I needed Carina's help, now. Maddie was on the floor, when she fell, she must've hit her head on the counter, she was bleeding.

"I'm fine im fine, just help me up" Maddie tried to get up again

"No Mads stay down, you hit your head let Carina check you over... you could have a concussion— god you're gonna make me go prematurely grey kid" i sighed grabbing a towel and applying pressure to the cut on her forehead. "CARINA PLEASE!"

"I'm here bambina- Oh MADDIE!!" Carina came around the corner

"I'm fine Mam- Carina. I'm fine i promise" Maddie blushed.

Carina crouched down and made Maddie follow her finger and other checks to make sure she didnt have a concussion, all looked well. Rationally i knew that head wounds always looked worse because they bled so much, but I can't always think rationally when it comes to Maddie. Also this was the second time she had almost called one of us mom. Earlier, she could've just stuttered, the beginning of Mom and the beginning of Maya were pretty similar... but Carina was not.

"Si bella, you appear to be fine, let's bandage you up and get some food in you, im cooking French toast" Carina kissed Maddie on her forehead "Maya, can you patch our clumsy girl up?"

Maddie blushed at Carinas words. Carina left to go back to cooking and i grabbed the first aid kit and rejoined Maddie on the floor.

"Seriously kiddo, do we need to bubble wrap you?" I chuckled as i cleaned her cut. I really wanted to ask her about the slips but i didnt know if this was the right time. Maddie smiled up at me while i cleaned her up and put a bandage on her "what are you looking at little love?"

"I don't know, maybe the thought of you bubble wrapping me" Maddie laughed

"If it would keep you safe, i would absolutely bubble wrap you, but knowing that you'd find a way to hurt yourself you are really the most accident prone kid I've ever met." I teased her

"This really isn't that big a deal maya and you know it! All my big injuries aren't really my fault." She laughed back, but i could hear the sadness in her voice.

"Hey- you ok? I know it's tricky and you hate not being able to play soccer, but Carina has already been researching the best PTs in the state. We will get you back on the pitch in no time. If that's what you want." I told her. I think she wants to keep playing soccer, but i want her to know that if she doesn't want to, that's her call. Either way, Carina and i are here for her.

"Thanks, you both are the best and im lucky to have you." Maddie looked away from me

"Mads i know you hear him right now. Tell him to shut up" i had a suspicion dad's voice was telling her she was a burden and based on her reaction, i think i was right on.  "Come on kiddo- i smell French toast!"  She smiled and accepted my help back into her wheelchair and we headed into the kitchen.

"Something smells good!"  I called out

"Si bellas, French toast felt appropriate" Carina said placing plates in front of each of us, ruffling Maddie's hair before she sat down.

"Thank you mama, it smells great" Maddie said, and i watched the smile spread across my wife's face "oh my god im so sorry" Maddie started to panic realizing what she said

"Cuore mío?" Carina crouched in front of her and stopped Maddie's spiral "I would love if you would call me mama. I would love it so much Mia figlia"

I couldn't help it i was gonna tear up this was so sweet. I put my hand over my mouth as i watched my wife look at Maddie with her eyes full of pride and love. My girls. I couldn't contain it any more, a sob of joy squeaked out before I could stop it.

"I'm sorry im sorry" i said, feeling bad for ruining the moment

"if it's okay with you Maya, i would like to call you mom... you're more of a mother than the one who gave birth to me ever was... if its okay with you" Maddie started to ramble

I pulled her into a hug, unable to form words i was too overcome with emotion.

"I love you so much Maddie, my little love, my baby girl" i cried.

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