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A/N: Sorry this chapter is so long, i wanted to go ahead and finish the trial so that we could get back to Maddie & Maya content :) If you're liking the story, please comment, it helps motivate me :)



i looked down at my lap as my father approached the stand. i didn't want to make eye contact with him if i could avoid it. i picked up a pen and started doodling on the legal pad in front of me, pretending i was taking notes.

"Mr. bishop" marcus began "tell me about madison"

this was part of the plan. vague questions that would certainly make it clear that he didn't know maddie at all. he would ask me similar ones when i took the stand to show a stark contrast.

"well, madison is my youngest child" lane said, matter of factly

"and how old is she?"

"15- wait! 16!!" lane was quick to correct himself

"16! wow! when's her birthday? does she have her drivers license?"

i looked up and saw my father go pale, i smirked. the bastard didn't know

"umm january 10th. and no" he got out. i heard a laugh behind me- it sounded like alexa. we all knew that was wrong

"and what does madison do for fun?"

"i would imagine what most 16 year olds do" lane tried to avoid. i could tell he was getting irritated

"what grade is madison in? can you tell me the name of any of her friends?"  marcus was on a roll. i was smiling by now, this is exactly what we wanted.

"9th- no 10th. now. she's in 10th grade. madison doesn't have friends, she's very troubled."

i heard a snap and realized i had snapped the pen i was holding. oops. marcus made eye contact with me, and i could tell he was begging me to calm down

"does madison play any sports? any hobbies you can tell me about?" marcus continued

"she was on the swim team, but she quit."

"right, okay. one final question mr. bishop." marcus asked. here it comes. "have you ever hurt madison?"

"OBJECTION!" my fathers lawyer cried. my fathers face was bright red. i think that said it all.

the judge called the room to order. my father's lawyer declined to cross examine him.

"mr. jackson, your next witness?"

"yes, i would now like to call captain maya bishop to the stand" marcus said

i took a deep breath, i felt andy reach over and squeeze my shoulder encouragingly. i headed to the stand, promised to tell the truth, and looked my father straight in the eye as i did so.

"hi captain bishop, may i call you maya?" marcus asked

"yes of course." i said. this was all part of it. familiarize me.

"right, maya- tell me about madison."

"well, first of all, she really really hates being called madison. she goes by maddie." i said

"my apologies- tell me about maddie"

"well maddie is my little sister. i was almost 20 when she was born. she was always a sweet kid, and if she had nightmares she would come into my room and ask to lay in bed with me. she was my mini me. she followed me everywhere, like a little blonde shadow."

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