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I want to give a little shout out to @marinaofstation19 for always leaving such kind comments on this story, it really helped motivate me to get back into writing it!!



I was the first of our little family to wake up. Maddie had had a panic attack last night but i was so proud of her and the way she handled it. She called for Carina and I. She didnt listen to our father's voice in her head. She called for us, and she let us help. She had come so far since we discovered she was hurting herself. She was seeing Diane regularly, and she didnt tell me everything they talked about, but i could tell it was helping. She was opening up more, letting Carina and i help her, not fighting when we asked her to take her meds in front of us. She still wasn't eating as much as we would've liked her to, but she was making so much progress.

I laid there a while, watching my sleeping wife snuggled up with our baby girl. My heart absolutely melting with how peaceful they both were. I checked my watch, i should really wake them up soon, we needed to get ready to go to the hospital for Maddie's check up. I gently kissed Carina until i felt her smile and kiss me back

"Good morning bambina" she yawned

"Morning my love" i responded, sneaking one more kiss "Maddie, little love" i cooed at the sleeping girl "its time to wake up bubs"

Her hazel eyes fluttered open and she smiled when she realized that Carina and i had stayed with her.

"Hi mom, hi mama" she said with a smile

"Ohh I've missed that smile of yours baby girl" i really had, she had been so sad all summer, i was so relieved to see the joy back in her eyes.

She rolled her eyes at me and Carina giggled at us.

"Si bella, you do have a lovely smile. Now, Le mie ragazze what do we want for breakfast?" My wife asked

"Umm should i eat before the appointment?" Maddie asked

"Si, bella. You can eat. Just X-rays, no need to fast Mads" carina assured her "how about French toast?"

"Mmm that sounds good" i answered. Maddie nodded. I could tell she was getting a bit nervous about her appointment, which in turn was making her nervous about eating.

Carina gave me a peck on the lips and placed a kiss on Maddie's forehead before leaving to get breakfast ready.

"Maddie? Talk to me bubs" i tried to get Maddie to talk about how she was feeling

"Hmm? I'm fine" she tried to brush me off

"No kiddo, i know when something is on your mind honey. Talk to me, are you nervous about your appointment?" She nodded and buried her head in my chest. I wrapped my arms around her and rubbed her back. "It'll be okay little love, but you need to eat okay?"

"I will try, is that good enough?"

"Yes baby it is. I love you" i said booping her nose with my finger making her giggle. I swear if i could bottle that sound, it would solve so many problems. Every time i heard her giggle, it just made me so happy. It was just the most pure and genuine sound i think i have ever heard.

I helped Maddie out of bed and helped her over to the bathroom. As much as i knew it embarrassed her, since we had found out about her self harm, we didnt let her close her bedroom or bathroom door. She fought us at first, but understood it wasn't a punishment, but rather Carina and i's desperation to know she was okay.

We headed out to the kitchen where Carina was placing the French toast onto the table. It was delicious, as always. Maddie wasn't speaking much, but i could tell she was doing her best to eat. The nerves were getting the best of her.

Before long it was time to head to the hospital for her appointment with Callie and Arizona. As we pulled up to the hospital, i pulled Maddie's wheelchair out of the trunk and went to open her car door.

"Are you ready little love?" I asked her. She nodded and Carina and i helped her into the chair. Andrew was waiting for us at the entrance and greeted us all brightly.

"Ready kiddo? I'm on Dr. Robbins' service today, so im at your service" Andrew said and it earned a genuine smile from Maddie. She really did love her Zio.

We got Maddie all checked in and she was getting visibly nervous as we waited in the exam room for Callie and Arizona. Her good leg was bouncing up and down and she was picking at her finger nails.

Carina subtly laid her hand on Maddie's leg to calm her while maintaining her conversation with Andrew. Once again, my heart melted. Carina was so good with Maddie and it was really incredible to watch their bond grow.

"Hello Deluca-Bishops!" Arizona greeted us brightly as she walked in with Callie right behind her. we all greeted the couple, but Maddie could barely force a smile. I could tell she was nervous.

"Okay, we wont waste any time, i want to get some X-rays to take a look at how the bone is healing, then i want to take the cast off and make sure we get some mobility in your knee. From there we will either put the full cast back on, have one that stops below your knee, or we may even be able to get you in a soft cast, but we will just have to see okay?" Callie explained kindly to Maddie. Maddie nodded, i could see the terror in her eyes.

"It'll be okay little love, we will be here the whole time." I whispered as i leaned down to rub her back. She nodded at me, but she hadn't said a word since we got in the car.

"Andrew, can you take Maddie down to X-ray and page us when films are up?" Arizona asked

"Take my favorite niece to X-ray as a VIP— you betcha!" Andrew said brightly, earning a strained chuckle from Maddie. He wheeled her out of the room and kept up a steady and bright one sided conversation, doing his best to keep Maddie at ease.

I watched them leave, and was broken out of my thoughts by Carina wrapping her arm around my waist.

"she will be okay bambina" she said

I nodded. I knew she'd be fine, i just really preferred when i could keep my eyes on her. we stayed and made small talk with Arizona and Callie, catching up as it had been a while since we had hung out with them. After a while their pagers went off.

"Wow Andrew must've called in some serious favors to get Maddie through radiology so quickly. He's on his way back with her, we are gonna go review the films and we will meet you back here for the game plan!" Arizona said brightly before her and Callie left the room.

"She's gonna be fine, right? She'll play again?" I confessed some of my nerves

"Si bambina. She will be just fine, she is so strong and she has us to help her every step of the way. We will get through this together. Come famiglia. Insieme." She reassured me.

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