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They kept Maddie in the hospital for a few days, treating her for exhaustion and dehydration. They had her give her statement to the police the first day. It was rough, but Maya and Carina got her through it. Lily, Shannon, Parker and all her friends wanted to visit, but Maddie asked Maya and Carina not to let them in.

It wasnt that she was mad at them, she really wasnt. She didnt blame them at all. Shannon had tried to go with her when she had said she needed some air. She had insisted on going alone. She blamed herself. She just didnt want them to look at her like a victim. One of the things she loved about Shannon is that she never knew Maddie before she lived with Maya and Carina. She had never known or seen Maddie under Lane's thumb.

Sure, she knew about the history with Lane and his abuse, and had seen the scars from Maddie's dark period the summer before, but this was different. She could hardly look at herself or accept a hug from Maya and Carina, how could she face her girlfriend?

Maddie was jumpy, and constantly on edge. Any sudden sound or movement she flinched. It was almost like when she lived with Lane and jumped at loud noises and sudden movements, she hardly spoke, she hardly ate. She was a shell of herself.

"Mads?" Maya said softly to announce her presence as she entered Maddie's hospital room. Maddie jumped but calmed down quickly as she turned to look at Maya.

"Is it time to go home now?" Maddie asked softly

"Soon baby, soon. But Shannon is in the waiting room again. Are you sure you don't want to see her?" Maya asked taking a seat next to Maddie on the bed.

"I'm sure" she whispered before leaning her head on Maya's shoulder. "Where's mama?"

"There was an emergency and the on call OB was already occupied so she stepped in. She will be back soon bubs" Maya ran her hand through Maddie's hair gently. Like she had been doing since they found her, Maddie tensed at first, but soon relaxed. She really did love it when Maya and Carina played with her hair. "Do you want to talk about why you don't want to see Shannon or your friends?" Maya asked softly. She felt Maddie shake her head no. "Please talk to me little love, don't shut Carina and I out. Please baby"

"I um just don't want her to look at me like im broken" Maddie whispered "and im scared how I'll react if she touches me or kisses me. I just am scared that i might actually be broken this time" Maddie whispered as the tears started flowing

"Oh baby, no. You aren't broken. You've been through a lot. More than anyone should ever have to go through. But you aren't broken honey" Maya let a few tears of her own escape as she just pulled Maddie in for a bigger hug.

They sat there for a bit, taking comfort from each other. They were interrupted by Carina bursting through the door. At the sudden sound, Maddie jumped so violently that she fell off the bed and cowered on the floor in fear.

"Oh cuore mío. I'm so sorry. I'm so sorry bella, its just me. It's just Mama." Carina rushed over and crouched in front of her "im so sorry Maddie. I'm so sorry i startled you, I should've been more careful."

Maddie nodded and let Carina help her back into the bed.

"I'm so sorry piccola, im so sorry" Carina continued to apologize profusely.

"It's okay, I know you didn't mean to scare me." Maddie squeezed Carina's hand and they both took a few deep breaths.

"Is everything okay?" Maya asked, knowing that Carina wouldn't have come banging into the room like that if she hadn't had other things on her mind.

"ahh bambina... the um the" Carina stumbled over her words, trying to sort out what to do. Eventually she just handed Maya her phone. Maya took it and her eyes went wide seeing the headline on the screen.

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