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"Hey im back!" Maya called as she walked back into the quiet apartment. She put the gatorades and cans of soup on the kitchen counter and took the tote bag with the IV kit into Maddie's room. She was surprised to see Maddie in bed, with Carina sitting in the chair in the corner reading.

"Ciao bambina. I thought she would be more comfy in bed. She was out cold" Carina explained

"You carried her?" Maya asked surprised

"Si, you're not the only one who can pick up our girl" Carina laughed at Maya's surprise. "She isn't drinking anything, so let's go ahead and do the IV" Carina held out her hand for the bag, maya handed it over and then crossed the room to check on Maddie. She was out cold, but there was a sheen of sweat over her face. Despite that, she was practically shivering. Maya felt Maddie's forehead with the back of her hand, it still felt too warm.

"Here Bambina, can you find something to hang this on?" Carina handed her wife the IV back and turned her attention to Maddie to insert the needle and tubing into her arm. Maddie whimpered a bit when the needle went in, but after some soothing from Carina, resumed sleeping.

"She'll be okay." Maya said, seeing Carina's concern

"Si. It's probably the flu or something. She just needs to rest." Carina answered and led her wife out of the room.

The day went on, Maddie got up to throw up a few times, and Carina and Maya tried to get her to drink Gatorade. They swapped out the IV a few times, but mostly Maddie just slept all day.

Around 6, there was a knock on the door. Maya and Carina looked at each other in confusion, they weren't expecting anyone. They had spoken to Andrew, and he was going to bring over some more supplies, but not till his shift ended around 10 pm.

Carina opened the door and was surprised to see Shannon standing there, with a giant Tupperware full of what looked to be chicken noodle soup.

"Hi, im sorry for stopping by unannounced. I should've texted... but i made you guys and Maddie some soup. She has been borderline delirious in the few texts i got from her today, and i was worried. Thanks again for the heads up that she was sick this morning Carina... i know Lily and i both would've gotten nervous with her not showing up.. " Shannon rambled on and on

"That's so sweet of you Shannon, here come in" Maya cut off the rambles and let the dark haired girl into the apartment.

"Si, so kind!" Carina took the soup out of the girls hands "i think she is sleeping, but you can go into her room if you want"

Shannon nodded and headed into Maddie's room where she saw her girlfriend asleep in bed, she really didn't look like she felt well at all.

"Hi babe" Shannon said gently, laying a hand on Maddie's cheek.

"Shanny?" Maddie asked groggily

"I'm right here"

"What are you doing here? I don't want to get you sick?" Maddie said sleepily

"I brought you some soup. I was worried about you." Shannon smiled at her girlfriend

"You brought soup?" Maddie asked, still a bit slow on the uptake

"Si bella, want to try and eat some?" Carina entered the room with a bowl on a tray. while shannon just smiled at maddie.

With Shannon's help, Maddie managed to eat a few bites before saying she was tired.

"I should get going, but rest up Mads" Shannon kissed her hand and pressed it to Maddie's cheek

"Love you" Maddie said sleepily without thinking. Yes, this was the first time she had said it. Shannon blushed, thinking that Maddie had absolutely no idea what she just said. there was an audible squeal from the door way so shannon looked over her shoulder and saw Maya and Carina in Maddie's doorway. Maya had her hand over Carina's mouth as she pulled her wife out of the room to give the girls a bit of privacy.



"Do you know what you just said?" Shannon tried to keep her voice level

"Hmm?" Maddie just kinda zoned out a bit, clearly dozing off

"I love you too" Shannon whispered and kissed Maddie's warm forehead, realizing the blonde had fallen asleep.

She quietly closed Maddie's door and went back to the living room where she was met with an excited looking Maya and Carina.

"I don't think she realized what she said" Shannon said

"I think she meant it though" Carina said

"Well, it's not how I would've thought that would happen, but im not mad about it" Shannon laughed "i really should get going though, sorry to interrupt your evening!"

"You're welcome here anytime, drive safe home!" Maya told Shannon as the girl left their apartment.


Maddie still felt awful the next morning, so they got her tested for the flu. The test came back positive, so they got her started on meds. By Sunday, carina assured her that she wasnt contagious anymore. She still felt pretty crappy, but she wanted to get out of the house a bit. So, Shannon was coming to pick her up and they were going to head to their little spot on the beach.

"Okay, stay bundled up, okay kiddo?" Maya said as she put a beanie on Maddie's head. She was wearing thick sweat pants, a sweater and boots. With a big winter coat over the top. She was as bundled as she could be.

"Yes, we are just  gonna sit in the trunk of her car with blankets. I'll be fine Mom" Maddie wiggled out of her grip as she saw the blue jeep pull up in front of the house.

"Okay. Okay. You're gonna be on your own tonight okay kiddo? Mama is on an overnight and my shift starts in about an hour. But call us if you need okay? I love you" Maya called after her

"Okay! Love you!" Maddie called before closing the door behind her and bounding towards Shannon's car

"I would kiss you, but im still gross" Maddie laughed as she got into the car

"Haha maybe for the best" the dark haired girl reached across the console to hold her girlfriends hand

They drove to the beach and then climbed into Shannon's trunk where she had set up a comfy area for them to lay and look at the ocean as the sun set. It reminded Maddie a bit of the time she spent living in her car, but she shook the thought quickly as she snuggled up to her girlfriend.

"I have to ask... do you remember me coming over on Thursday?" Shannon asked as she held Maddie and ran her hands through the dirty blonde hair

"Uh it kinda feels a bit hazy, like im not sure if i made it up or not... you fed me soup right?" Maddie answered. Shannon nodded "god that's so embarrassing that you saw me like that"

"No im glad i was able to be there for you. Do you remember what you said before i left?" Shannon asked

The puzzle pieces began to click together in Maddie's as she recalled bits and pieces of Shannon's visit. Her eyes went wide as she thinks she realizes what she said.

"Oh my god... did i really?" Maddie stammered out. Shannon just laughed. "Well um that's not how i meant to tell you, but um cats out of the bag now... i do love you" maddie said sheepishly

"Don't worry, i said it back. I think you may have been asleep. I love you too maddie" Shannon squeezed her into a tighter hug "but i should still get you home. You're coming back to school tomorrow right?"

"Mmhmm" Maddie nodded

"Good. Come on babe. Let's go"

They spent most of the drive back to the Deluca-Bishop household in comfortable silence. Maddie didnt want to admit it, but she was absolutely worn out from the little outing... stupid flu.

As they were driving, a truck came screaming through a red light. Shannon tried to swerve to avoid it. The truck hit the jeep and the impact sent the car spinning out where it eventually came to rest upside down in a ditch on the side of the road.

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