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Today was the day. Maddie had her first date with Shannon. She was excited, but wildly nervous. Luckily Maya wasnt back at work yet, and Carina was off today. So, the little family of 3 sat in the living room sipping some lemonade Maddie had made together, and talking. Maddie wanted all the advice she could get.

"Just be yourself piccolina. That's all you need to do. You are wonderful, and she will love you" carina tucked Maddie's hair behind her ear. Maddie had been nervously pacing as 7 o'clock grew nearer.

"Right, im gonna go take a shower." Maddie sighed and headed off to the bathroom. It was only 5 pm, but she was nervous about not being ready in time, may as well start earlier than later.

In the shower, Maddie carefully washed her hair and used the fancy body wash Carina gave her. Once she was satisfied she'd done a good enough job, she hopped out, tossed her hair into a towel, dried herself off and put on lotion. She stood there looking at her reflection for a few moments. The scars Lane left were faded, but Maddie could see them. She looked at her left arm and wondered if she needed to reconsider her outfit choice to include long sleeves. The scars were pretty visible... odds are Shannon had already seen them, but still. Her thoughts started to swirl a bit so she threw on some underwear and a big tshirt before heading back into the living room where Maya and Carina were talking.

"Do you think i need to wear long sleeves instead?" Maddie asked, her voice a bit high with nerves as she walked around the corner with wet hair and tears in her eyes.

"What happened kiddo?" Maya rushed to her in concern, gently cupping her face and growing more and more concerned when she saw the watery hazel eyes.

"Should i wear long sleeves? To cover my arm?" Maddie whispered, avoiding Maya's eyes "it's so ugly with the scars..."

"Oh Mads, it's okay bubs. It's not ugly. You're strong. That all that i see when i look at you." Maya pulled her in for a hug and stroked her wet hair.

"Would you be more comfortable in long sleeves bella?" Carina joined the hug

"I don't know. I mean i know she's probably already seen the scars at school.. I don't know... im probably over thinking this" Maddie sighed

"I agree you might be overthinking, but I don't want you to be uncomfortable the whole night" maya pushed the wet hair behind Maddie's ears

"Let's swap the vest for something with sleeves? That way you can play it by ear?" Carina offered

"That's a good idea, right Mads?" Maya encouraged her sister who just nodded and sniffled.

"Car- grab one of my flannels?" Maya said and carina nodded and headed into their room "that way you have a little piece of me with you, sound good little love?"

Maddie nodded and the 2 blondes sat on the couch and maya just held the younger one for a few minutes.

"Here! Perfetto!" Carina had found a flannel in Maya's closet that still met Carina's fashion requirements. Maddie could tie it around her waist or wear it open over her t shirt, depending what she felt comfortable with.

"Grazie. Thank you. Both of you" Maddie accepted the flannel.

"Of course, we are here for you bubs" maya hugged her one more time. Carina put a reassuring hand on the young girls shoulder

"Mama? Will you help me get ready? Like help with my hair and maybe some makeup?" Maddie asked sweetly, leaning into Carina's soft touch.

"Ovviamente. Andiamo Maddie!" Carina got up to lead Maddie to the bathroom.

"That is more Carina's area of expertise, but give me a shout if you need me" Maya giggled watching her wife's excitement

Carina sat Maddie on the counter and pulled out a hairdryer, deciding to tackle her hair first. Once it was dry, Carina pulled out a flat iron and used it to put some gentle waves in Maddie's hair. She then moved on to makeup. Carina resisted the urge to go crazy, and kept things simple. Honestly Maddie didnt need much, her and maya both were blessed with nice skin and big eyes with long lashes. in the end, Carina just added some light blush, bronzer and highlight to enhance Maddie's natural features. She then added a little bit of sparkle to her eye lids and a few coats of mascara.

"Bellísima Maddie." Carina kissed the top of her head, much like she had when she helped Maddie get ready before her and Maya's wedding.

"Grazie mama, Grazie." Maddie turned and pecked Carina on the cheek before getting off the counter and heading to her room to get dressed. She glanced at her clock... 6:27. She bit her lip, getting nervous as 7 drew nearer. She pulled on the jeans and converse they had laid out last night, but swapped the plain white t shirt for a graphic concert tee she found in Carina's closet. The added Maya's flannel over the top and surveyed herself in the mirror. She had something of both her mom and her mama's. It calmed her.

She snuck back into Maya and Carina's bathroom and put on a spritz of the Italian's perfume. She checked the watch again. 6:43. She took another deep breath and headed out to the living room.

"Well? How do i look?" She asked sheepishly leaning against the door frame and looking down at her shoes

"Oh Mads!!!" Maya was practically in tears she was so proud and happy

"Ahh calm down maya, its a first date, not my wedding" Maddie teased

"I know, im just proud of you little love. You've grown up on me" maya pulled her in for a hug

"Sei meravigliosa tesoro. Sono così orgoglioso di te. Ti amo tanto (You look wonderful sweetheart. I'm so proud of you. I love you so much.)" Carina added

A few moments later, Maddie's phone dinged. It was a text from Shannon. She was on her way, she'd be there in 10 minutes. Maddie quickly replied that she would see her soon.

10 minutes later, Shannon texted again, that she was outside.

Maddie hugged maya and carina once more and dashed out the door where Shannon was waiting in her blue jeep wrangler.

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