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"she did great!" arizona told maya and carina as she wheeled the still sleeping maddie back into the hospital room.

"she's a total champ! honestly" callie added, following her wife into the room

maya and carina quickly rushed over to the sleeping girl in the hospital bed. her left leg was covered from hip to toe in bandages and splints. there was some sort of metal contraption that must've been helping to set the broken bones of maddie's leg

"it went as well as it could've! i want to keep her here for a few days to make sure she doesn't develop any complications. then i'll remove the external hardware and we will put the hard cast on" callie explained. maya nodded, and went to go sit by maddie's bed. she held her hand and stroked her hair as the girl slept.

"thank you callie" carina hugged the doctor

"of course. i'll be back to check in her later, but if anything comes up, just have them page me" callie and arizona smiled at the little family of 3 before carina crossed the room to sit on maddie's other side.

they sat in comfortable silence for a bit when mayas phone rang. it was andy

"hey andy im sorry i didn't call. maddie just came out of surgery" maya answered

"no worries, i just wanted to check in. we were all worried. we came to the team after party at the matthew's and all of maddie's teammates are eager to see her. they ruled her as the mvp of course."  andy answered

"she's still not awake yet, but that'll make her smile. she wouldn't go into surgery until we confirmed that they won" maya chuckled at her sisters antics

"okay, we will let folks know that tomorrow is better?" andy asked

"yeah, callie wants to keep her here for a few days to monitor." maya answered

"yeah that makes sense. can i swing by later? i can bring you all some non hospital food?" andy asked

"that would be amazing actually. and i'm sure maddie will be happy to see you" maya replied, relieved she wouldn't have to eat the hospital food.

"great- i'll grab something. if she wakes up wanting anything specific, let me know and i'll make it happen" andy replied

"of course. thanks andy we are lucky to have you."

"i know you are" andy teased

"oh i gotta go, i think maddie is waking up" maya said quickly as she looked over and saw her sister shifting a bit in bed. maya hung up before andy could reply

"little love, let me see those eyes hun?" maya cooed as maddie was beginning to stir

"sorellina? it's time to wake up sweet girl" carina joined in speaking sweetly to encourage maddie to wake up

maddie remained unconscious for a few more minutes before her eyelids fluttered open

"there's those beautiful eyes" maya smiled at her sisters taking her hand

"oww" maddie groaned, clearly uncomfortable

"let me page callie and let her know maddie is awake" carina said giving maddie a kiss on the forehead before turning to head to the nurses station to make sure callie was paged.

"owwww maya" maddie groaned again. she just wanted her sister to soothe her

"i know baby, i know. help is coming" maya tried to soothe her sister who was clearly uncomfortable but unable to move much

maya stroked maddie's hair and whispered soothing things to the uncomfortable girl. all things considered, this was so much better than her demeanor the last time she had surgery.

"hi maddie!" arizona called as she walked in. "callie got called into another surgery, so you get me" she smiled at the girl in the bed

"hi arizona" maddie said tiredly, with pain in her voice

"you're in a lot of pain?" the doctor asked

"yeah it's really uncomfortable" maddie said, trying to move and get more comfortable but wincing in pain at even the slightest movement.

"let's take a look then" arizona said, as she moved to get a closer look at maddie's leg. as she poked around, maddie continued to  wince in pain. "well it all looks okay, the incision looks good. i'm not seeing any signs of infection or compartment syndrome. i'm gonna up your pain meds though-so you might get sleepy again okay sweetie?"

maddie nodded as arizona gave nurses  direction and injected something into maddie's iv.

"maya, can you come give me cuddles?" maddie asked sweetly. she just wanted to be held by her big sister

"sure baby, but tell me if i hurt you at all okay?" maya was worried about accidentally shifting maddie and hurting her. she carefully crawled in the bed and laid on her side next to maddie who nuzzled her head onto mayas shoulder

"thank you for staying" maddie said quietly

"always little love, always" maya answered. she would never leave her again.

carina sat on maddie's other side and held her hand as she began to doze off again. before long, maddie's soft snores filled the room again

"bambina, she will be okay" carina said, sensing her wife beginning to get nervous

"i know, it's just going to be a long road, you know how independent she is. she's not going to like needing so much help" maya said, sharing her concerns about the long road to recovery maddie was going to have

"i know, but we will be there for her and hope she lets us help. we will give her space if she needs, but make sure she knows we are here for anything at all she needs. we will get through it together." carina assured her wife

"how did i get so lucky" maya said staring gratefully at her wife

"i'm the lucky one. i love our little family bambina. Le mie ragazze, siete il mio tutto (my girls- you're my everything)" carina said, leaning over the sleeping girl to give maya a deep kiss on the lips. she snuck one more on maddie's forehead before leaning back in the chair to read her book

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