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"Maddieeeeee" Lily said in a sing song voice "Please it'll be so fun!! Come on, Shannon back me up!!" Lily had been trying to convince them to join her and Parker at a party with some of his basketball friends. Maddie wasnt sure.

"Lil, you know im not really a partier!" Maddie tried to insist

"You've never tried it!" Lily countered

"Who's hosting?" Shannon tried to get some more information

"Umm Wesley Miller— he's a senior, and his parents are gonna be out of town and he lives in my neighborhood!" Lily said

"Maya and Carina will never let me go to an unsupervised party..." Maddie rolled her eyes

"So just tell them you're staying at my place!! Shannon you're in right?" Lily turned to the dark haired girl who just looked at her girlfriend and tried not to laugh

"A high school party is a quintessential part of the high school experience Mads, maybe we give one a try?" Shannon smiled, Lily practically jumped up and down in excitement. She knew if Shannon was on board, Maddie would cave.

"Ughh fineeeee but if Maya and Carina find out, im totally throwing you under the bus" Maddie said

Lily very dramatically thanked her before heading for home and saying that she would see the other 2 girls in a few hours. Maddie texted her group chat with Maya and Carina that she was gonna spend the night with Lily. She didnt know why she was so worried, they were both working overnight anyway.

"Wanna swing by your place and get your things, then we can go to mine together pick out my outfit and stuff and i can drive us both to Lily's?" Maddie said

"Perfect, i was gonna suggest the same, let's go!" Shannon kissed Maddie on the cheek before hopping into the passenger seat of her girlfriend's car.

They stopped by Shannon's place and were greeted kindly by Sheridan who was happy to hear that her daughter was going to have a sleepover with 'some girls from the soccer team.' Maddie let Shannon do the talking, she hated lying. Shannon's mother had the same ice blue eyes as her daughter, and Maddie felt like they were staring into her soul, so she avoided the older woman's gaze. They picked out a long skirt and boots with a cropped sweater for Shannon to wear before heading to Maddie's apartment.

"What's wrong with jeans and a tshirt!?" Maddie sighed as Shannon laughed and shook her head at another one of Maddie's outfit suggestions

"Come on babe, i know Carina has to have rubbed off a little fashion onto you" Shannon laughed

"I thought you liked my style?" Maddie pouted playfully

"Can i please take over Mads?" Shannon gave her girlfriend her best puppy dog eyes and the blonde was quick to cave. She flounced down on her bed as Shannon went through her closet.

"Really?" Maddie asked seeing what Shannon held up. It was a pair of loose cargo pants, a sweater vest with a deep v neck that she usually wore with something under it, and a pair of black doc martens. "What if i get cold? It's January!"

"It's unseasonably warm, and i will keep you warm" Shannon smiled and held out the outfit

"Ugh fine, you know I can't say no to you Shanny" Maddie pulled her girlfriend down onto the bed and kissed her for a bit "let's get going before lily shows up to drag us to her place" she said pulling the 2 of them off the bed and tossing some toiletries into an overnight bag, along with the stuffed Dino Maya and Carina had gotten her for her birthday.


"Okay we all look hot" lily declared. She was wearing flair jeans and a cropped t shirt. Maddie couldn't help but roll her eyes.

"Let's get this over with" Maddie sighed, taking Shannon's hand

"Ahh that's the spirit" Shannon said sarcastically. They headed outside where Parker was waiting for them so they could all walk over together. Lily squealed and ran into his arms. He caught her and spun her around before kissing her. Maddie couldn't help but think how cute they were. Lily was tall, 5'11", but Parker was even taller, close to 6'5". The 2 couples set off into the night and soon found the party a few streets over.


"Uh no thanks" Maddie tried to refuse the beer Lily handed her

"Grady, your girl is boring" Lily rolled her eyes and handed Shannon the beer instead before disappearing into the crowd with Parker

"You know Lily's been trying to get me to come to a party for years, right?" Maddie told Shannon

"I'm proud of you for leaving your comfort zone, here- try this" Shannon handed her a white claw, grapefruit flavor. Maddie raised her eye brows "come on you drink grapefruit seltzer all the time"

"But not with alcohol" Maddie took the can but hesitated

"One wont hurt you babe. I will keep you safe" Shannon wrapped her arm around Maddie's waist and Maddie caved and opened the can and took a sip. It wasnt bad. "Come on, let's go mingle!"

Maddie let her girlfriend lead her into the crowd where lily and Parker were quick to introduce them to some party goers whose names Maddie never quite caught, but they seemed nice enough. She couldn't shake the feeling that someone was watching her, so she looked over her shoulder and there was a group of girls staring at her. They looked vaguely familiar, but she couldn't place them.

"They were friends with Amber" Lily explained

"I literally don't know what the hell i ever did to her" Maddie said exasperatedly, she thought she was done with that crap

"Just ignore them, let's play pong!" Parker said as the beer pong table cleared

Maddie was still nervous, but soon loosened up as she and Shannon played against Lily and Parker

"No way, Mads—- how are you so good at this?" Lily asked as Maddie made shot after shot

"I don't know, i swear i never played" she giggled, onto her 3rd seltzer by now.

"Okay fine, that was fun" Maddie laughed, her words slurring a bit as they walked back to Lily's house

"I told you! So you'll come to more?" Lily was just as buzzed, but thrilled that she was managing to convert Maddie to the party scene

"Maybeeeeee" Maddie chimed back, she stumbled a bit on a curb, but Shannon caught her

"Careful love, you're clumsy enough sober.... Can't injure you before the season even starts" the dark haired girl said as she helped steady her girlfriend and they finally reached the Matthew's house

"Sleep tight girls" Parker leaned in and kissed lily before making his way back towards the house where the party was. He was gonna crash with Wesley and some guys from the basketball team. But ever the gentleman, he wanted to walk his girl and her friends home.

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