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by the time i made it to school after my check up, it was time for my lunch period. with all the tension with ambers friend group after i'd gotten her suspended, i didn't like to eat in the cafeteria so i waved at lily to get her attention through the window. as soon as she saw me, she practically ran over to me.

"mads!!! how was the appointment?" she asked

"totally cleared!" i said holding up my note. we hugged and jumped up and down in excitement together for a moment "come on! coach nick has a free period now- i want to run by his office and tell him the good news!"

"oh i'm totally coming with you" lily said. we headed down the hall arm and arm to coach nicks office

"coach nick?" i said knocking on his door

"come in!" he called. lily and i poked our heads in "bishop! matthews! hope you have good news for me?" he said warmly.

i handed him the note from arizona with a smile "totally cleared" i said, positively giddy

"oh that's amazing bishop!! we are happy to have you back!" he said "you can ease back in at practice today, see how you feel, but i can't wait to get you back on the field! i've had a few college scouts come asking about you!"

college scouts! asking about me!? the day just kept getting better. i had to text maya the good news.

Maddie ⚽︎: OMG MAYA!

Maya👩🏼‍🚒: yes kiddo? everything okay?

Maddie⚽︎: YES EVERYTHING IS AMAZING! I just went to go tell coach nick that i am cleared and he said that he had college scouts asking about me!!

Maya👩🏼‍🚒: wow! maddie thats great, I'm not surprised, you are really talented kiddo! I'm so proud of you little love!

Maddie⚽︎: thanks sis! i gotta go, calc is about to start, but i wanted to tell you the good news! Love you, see. you later!

Maya👩🏼‍🚒: Love you too mads! have a great rest of your day and practice baby girl!

I couldnt help but smile after talking with Maya. These past couple months with her and Carina had really turned my life around. sure the past 8 weeks had been a little rough, but i was happy, safe and loved for the first time in a really long time. I smiled as i followed Lily to calc.


"Alright team, some big news to share this afternoon" Coach Nick started as the team gathered in the field house before getting ready for practice. the team looked around confused, Lily smiled and elbowed me. I shushed her and chuckled. "I am thrilled to say that our captain, Maddie Bishop is officially cleared to join us back on the field!" he said, the team cheered, and hugged me. "Alright, team- let's get to work!"

We got ready and headed out to the field for warm ups. it felt so good to be back. i was surprised at how easily i slipped back into things. i guess 8 weeks off wasnt the worst thing when i can come back well rested. I was thrilled. i breezed through the drills with ease. in the weight room i started off using a lighter weight than i had been, but soon was able to get back to my old weights. the magic of being well rested i guess!

We went to scrimmage after the weight room, and im not typically one to brag, but i was on fire. Coach called for the end of practice, and the team embraced me with smiles.

"good to have you back Maddie!" Cassidy said

"Maddie, you didn't miss a beat!" Erin added.

"it's really great to be back guys! as much as i love watching you guys play and win, it feels so much better to be out there with you!" i responded. I had been attending every practice and game, itching to get back out there. the team had done pretty well, while i was out there were 6 games. we won 3, tied 1 and lost 2. We were still on track to make the state tournament though.

"mads, you want a ride to the station?" Lily asked me

"Yes please!" i said as we headed for the parking lot. I had forgotten that my car was still at home since Maya had dropped me off. Lily and i hopped in her car and headed to pick up pizzas for us and the team of firefighters. Carina and Maya had set up a credit card for me linked to their accounts, so i used that to cover the pizza.

Lily and i headed into the station loaded down with pizza, it looked like they were out on a call though.

"Hey Maddie!" ben called from the desk as he moved to help us with the pizzas.

"Hey uncle Ben! they out on a call?" i asked he nodded "how'd you get stuck on desk duty?"

"I offered, i wasnt feeling all that well this morning" he answered

"sounds like youre getting old gramps!" i teased

"oh no not that again!" he said moving to tickle me. i squealed and tried to avoid him but like always he caught me

"ahh! im sorry i wont do it anymore!" i managed to get out breathlessly through my giggles.

Ben, Lily and I had gotten the pizzas up to the beanery when the rest of the crew arrived back from their call.

"Hey Kiddo!" i heard maya call as she walked back in.

"MAYA!" i ran and jumped into her arms, she caught me easily. i may be taller, but maya was seriously strong.

"wow, what do i have to do to deserve a greeting like that mija?" andy asked sarcastically.

"Save my life?" i joked back climbing off of Maya

"let's try our best to make sure your life doesnt need any more saving kiddo?" she said ruffling my hair. i had left it down after the shower. i wasnt self conscious about the short patch around my station 19 family.

i smiled as we all sat down to eat, i was sandwiched between andy and vic, with Lily across from me and Maya on Lily's other side.

"really Mad dog? pineapple on pizza?" Jack teased me

"dont knock it till you try it" i said taking a bite of my favorite pizza, ham, pineapple, and jalapeño.

"now that, cuore mio, is an offense to pizza everywhere" Carina said chuckling. i hadnt seen her walk in

"sorella maggiore! when did you get here Carina?" i said, noticing her smile at my use of the italian for "big sister"

"just now bella, i thought i would give you a ride home after you finish eating" she said crossing the room to kiss maya on the lips and me on the top of my head.

I was so freakin happy in that moment. i had my family around me, my best friend, and i was finally getting back on the soccer field.

"I just wanted to say how much i love you all" i said looking around the room

"AHH captain- your sisters getting sappy!" vic teased "we love you too maddie" she chuckled hugging me.

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