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i was shocked as i turned to walk out of Maddie's hospital room. Alexa wrapped her arms around Lily, as the younger girl looked like she was about to cry at her best friends behavior.

"what the hell happened?" i spun around to look at carina "i wasn't gone that long..." i trailed off

when i left she had been resting comfortably. i couldn't understand what happened in the 90 mins i had gone home to shower and change clothes.

"i don't know bambina... she woke up looking for you, i assured her you would be back soon." carina said confused "she went to the restroom. i heard her getting sick, so i went in to try and help her but she wouldn't let me touch her."

"wait maddie got sick?" i asked, immediately concerned

"heeeellloooo" a chipper voice said, i turned and saw dr. shepherd approaching. good i was just going to see if she could be paged.

"dr. shepherd! thank god" i said "i was just about to ask them to page you"

"well here i am" the perky doctor smiled "i was about to go check on your sister fire fighter barbie"

i made a face at the nickname, but decided not to comment. amelia shepherd saved maddie's life, so i could let it go

"amelia" carina started to say, looking at me. i nodded, giving her permission to explain. "maddie woke up and her mood totally shifted. she isn't acting like herself at all and she threw up." amelia nodded along to carinas words

"well the nausea is an unfortunate, but totally normal side effect from the concussion." amelia said. i exhaled. maddie had enough to sort out, she didn't need more complications. "but the sudden shift in her mood, i'm not sure. i'd like to run an MRI and another CT to be safe"

i nodded, feeling my chest tighten nervously at her words. carina saw my reaction and put a reassuring arm around me. "yes, please. thank you amelia" she said

"i'll take her myself and let radiology know we have a VIP coming" the perky doctor said with what i'm sure was supposed to be a reassuring smile.

"why don't you guys head to the waiting room for now, i'll go in with dr. shepherd to let maddie know what's gonna happen" i said, running my hands nervously through my hair.

"si, bambina. call me if you need anything" carina said, kissing me softly before she walked away. alexa followed, but lily lingered.

"she's gonna be okay, right?" lily asked sadly before following her sister.

god i wished i could answer her confidently. i forced a smile at the young girl who had been so good to my little sister.

i followed amelia into maddie's room.

"go away." maddie grunted, facing away from us. hood still up.

i started to open my mouth and remind her of her manners but amelia held up a hand to stop me.

"sorry kid, no can do" amelia said "i'm here to take you up for another scan"

"fine. let's go then." maddie said flatly. i don't know what the hell was wrong, but i wanted my sweet baby sister back.

"you waste no time then, lose the hoodie and we can head down." amelia asked as i stood there useless at a complete loss of what to do.

"why do i need to lose the hoodie?" maddie asked. i could tell she was trying her best to maintain her disinterested tone, but i could tell there was something else layered in there. fear maybe?

"hospital rules, sorry kid. we can get you another blanket if you're cold." amelia said. i was grateful for how patient she was with maddie. as a head of department, i was sure she had more important things she needed to be doing.

maddie signed heavily, keeping her back to us the whole time, took off the hoodie and tossed it to the chair. i looked at the back of her head and saw the large chunk they needed to shave to stitch up the gash on the back of her head. it was clear they had tried to shave as little as possible, but it was still a sizable chunk.

she turned and i saw the hand shaped bruise around her throat and the bruising around her eyes.

"maya! i told you to go away!" maddie snapped, interrupting my thoughts. she tried to shrink down further into the bed and it confirmed i was on the right track.

"i'm sorry mads, i just wanted to make sure you're okay. and i'm going to be here when you get back. you can try and push me away, but i will still be here. because i love you mads and i'm your sister" i said. trying to be calm.

she sunk further into the bed and avoided my gaze as amelia wheeled her past me.

amelia smiled softly at me as she passed.

i went to go find carina, i needed to talk this out.

"Maya!" lily called as i entered the waiting room "is maddie okay!?"

"amelia took her for some scans, she'll be back in her room soon." i said smiling at the girl. "carina, a moment?"

carina stood up and followed me outside.

"you said she started freaking out after she went to the bathroom? i asked, pacing

"si, bambina what-"

"in the bathroom, the mirror" i saw the same realization i had earlier play on her face. "that was the first time she saw the damage Lane did.. do you think she's self conscious? or is there something more or -"

"bambina breathe." carina interrupted me "you're onto something, but we need to talk to maddie, and see what if anything comes back from the scans. let's go wait for her in her room" she said.

i nodded and took the hand she offered me and let myself be led back to maddie's room.

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