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What a crazy first day back... a 3 alarm call that had worked its way up to 4 as it went on. 19 absolutely crushed it, as always. We were loading up the trucks to head back to the station when Travis pulled me aside. He had only come out once it reached 4 alarms.

"Montgomery, what's up?" I asked him as we rolled up the hoses and reloaded our engine

"Maddie came by the station, she had a panic attack," he said, and i felt my heart sink

"Is she okay? Did you leave her having a panic attack?" I quickened my pace, eager to get back to the station and my phone. I didn't know if Maddie was still at the station, but i needed to speak with her.

"No maya, come on. What kind of uncle would i be if i left her in a panic attack?" He said, he was right. 19 was Maddie's family, none of my firefighters would ever let anything happen to her "I couldn't get her to break out of it, i think she was worried about you. I had to call Carina."

"Carina was working too though?" I worried

"I know, but i was hoping just hearing her voice would help. She wound up coming to the station. When i left, Maddie was asleep in your bunk, Carina whispering in Italian and stroking her hair. It was sweet Maya" he reassured me with a warm smile.

"Let's get moving, i want to get back to my girls" i said, he nodded and we quickly got everything handled and started making our way back to the station. It was about 1 am, but i was wide awake, both from the adrenaline of the fire and knowing maddie needed me.

As soon as we pulled back into the barn, i barked some orders as i ran, still in my turnouts into my office. I looked into the bunk area and Carina and Maddie were sleeping. I exhaled and decided that it would be better for all of us if I took a quick shower.

Soon enough, i was back in my office. I knelt down in front of the bunk and put a hand on Maddie's cheek and my other on Carina's thigh.

"Hi my girls" i coo'd at them softly. I couldn't help but smile at the sight of them curled up together.

"Ciao bambina" Carina yawned, she was a lighter sleeper than Maddie, who just whimpered in her sleep

Carina still had her arms around her, so she gently shook Maddie, who woke with a small yelp. She looked around in panic for a moment, before her eyes locked on mine. She then launched herself at me and wrapped her long limbs around me, nearly knocking me over.

"You're okay?" She sighed

"I'm okay baby, im fine. You don't need to worry about me kiddo" i ran a hand through her hair, but she just clung to me. Knowing her, she had likely started crying, but didnt want us to see. So i just held her for a while and looked over her shoulder at my lovely wife who yawned and checked her watch.

"I really should be getting back to the hospital" Carina moved to stand up

"I'm sorry i pulled you away from work" Maddie emerged from my chest and looked at Carina with concern in her eyes.

"Niente di quel tesoro, if you need me, i will always be here for you." Carina kissed her on the head, and me on the lips before getting up to go back to work.

"I love you!" I called after her

"Love you Mama" Maddie piped up

"Love you more my girls" Carina smiled as she left my office.

i sat on the bunk with Maddie in comfortable silence for a bit, before i asked "do you want to talk about it little love?" She started to shake her head, but i could tell she wanted to say something, so i just waited patiently until she was ready.

"I can't lose you mom, I can't" Maddie whispered as she met my eyes and bit her bottom lip

"You wont kiddo, you wont." I tucked her hair behind her ear and tried to reassure her.

"You can't promise that" she held my gaze, despite her eyes welling with tears. It broke my heart seeing the fear in her eyes.

"You're right. I can't promise that. I wish i could. But what i can promise is that i will always do everything possible to come home to you and Carina. And that i have the best team around me and we are very good at our jobs. We are very good at keeping each other safe. Okay?" I didnt know how else to reassure her. I knew my job was dangerous, but it was my job. I didnt want Maddie to worry about me, but i knew she always would.... Same as Carina.

She nodded, trying to stifle a yawn.

"Do you want to go home? Or sleep here? You need to rest kiddo, you know how tired you get after panic attacks" i said

"Here, I don't want to leave you" Maddie said back, with another yawn.

"Okay kiddo, come here" i pulled her into me so we were both laying down in the bunk and i soon felt her breathing even out as i played with her hair.

After a while, Travis poked his head in quietly "she doing better?"

"Yes, thanks Montgomery. I'm sorry if i snapped earlier.... I'm glad you were there for her. Calling Carina was the right thing. Thank you" i would never be able to fully express my gratitude to my team. Each and every one of them embraced Maddie with open arms, insisting that she call them aunts and uncles. raising a kid took a village, and damn did Maddie have a great village.

"Don't worry about it Cap. You're a good mom to her. She's lucky to have you and Carina." He smiled at me before leaving and shutting the door.

I smiled, knowing i had a great wife, and a wonderful daughter. We were all safe, loved and happy. I fell asleep holding Maddie, and. Luckily we didnt get another call out till about 7 am, and it was just the aid car, so i didnt have to go.

Maddie woke up with a start at the sound of the klaxon, but calmed down quickly seeing that i was still with her.

"Want to go see what's for breakfast? I think trav and Vic are cooking" i said, moving to get up.

"No, i want to go home and get cleaned up. I am meeting Shannon later" she said

"You need to eat Mads. Food first, then i swear i will let you go home." I put my foot down with this. Her eating had improved a lot since the summer, but i knew if i let her go home she wouldn't eat breakfast.

"Ugh fine"

We both got out of the bunk and made our way to the beanery, where Vic, Andy and Travis were cooking.

"Ahh mini bishop! You're here!" Vic dropped what she was doing and pulled Maddie in for a big hug.

"Hi auntie Vic" Maddie laughed

"Excuse me, no hug for your tia favorita?" Andy teased

"She beat you to it! Lo siento!" Maddie gave Andy a hug too. "Uncle Trav, can i speak to you for a moment?"

I looked at her in confusion

"I want to thank him for yesterday" Maddie whispered to me and I nodded. Her and trav headed off to the lounge.

"Is she okay?" Andy asked

"She will be. She had a panic attack last night when we were on the call. She's worried about something happening to me" i sighed as i took a seat. Andy came and sat next to me. Vic brought over some plates of pancakes and sausage

"That's gotta be hard, you should've seen her at the hospital, she was a wreck" Andy told me

"Don't remind me" i didnt like thinking about what seeing me in the hospital must've done to Maddie, i was just so grateful for Carina and the team. They would always make sure Maddie was taken care of if heaven forbid something did happen to me.

Maddie and Travis came back to the beanery and Maddie sat between Vic and Andy, thanking them for the food before tucking in. Once she finished, she hugged us all goodbye and headed for home, where i was pretty sure a nap was in her future.

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