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i don't know what i expected from maddie's first session with diane,  but i didn't expect it to end with maddie in one of the worst panic attacks i'd ever seen.

i was surprised that diane had me come in, but after seeing the state maddie was in, i was glad she did. i pulled the car into the apartment complex, and maddie's stomach growled so loud, i couldn't help but chuckle.

we headed inside where a magical smell greeted us.
"ciao bambina, ciao cuore mio!" carina called from the kitchen, i walked in and stole a kiss from her.

"something smells great carina!" maddie said. her voice sounded cheerful, but i could tell she was forcing it.

"si bellas! breakfast for dinner! french toast will be ready in a minute. can one of you set the table per favore?

"si" maddie said with a smile. carina chuckled with the italian answer

"i'm gonna go wash up," i said, sneaking one more kiss from carina and planting a peck on maddie's for head before heading to the bathroom.

i cleaned up and headed back to the kitchen. i was pleased that maddie had taken off her hat. it was a small indicator of how comfortable she was around carina and i.

we sat down and ate and made small talk. carina looked like she wanted to ask about the therapy session, but i shook my head slightly.

"when do you think i can go back to school?" maddie asked

"how are you feeling cuore mio? do you feel ready?" carina asked

"i guess so" maddie said stabbing a blueberry with her fork

"i would feel better if you stayed home a couple more days, mads" i said. it was wednesday now. "how about you go back monday? a new week, a new start?"

"that sounds fair. are you working tomorrow maya?" maddie asked

"nope i'm all yours kiddo" i said with a smile "carina?"

"si, i am off as well bellas"

carina and i smirk at each other

"what!?" maddie asked confused. it was so great to see her personality coming back to life

"well now that you're going to be permanently staying here, carina and i were thinking you might want to decorate your room to suit you a bit more. what do you think little love?" i said

"oh my god!! really!?" maddie looked between carina and i in shock

"si cuore mio, you deserve a space that feels like yours"

"i'm gonna need you both to stand up" maddie said. carina and i were confused but we did as she asked.

maddie then pulled us both into a big hug "i love you so much" she said. that was the first time she'd said that to me since she was little and definitely the first time she said it to carina.

carina and i locked eyes. we both had tears in our eyes and were beaming at maddie's words. I knew Carina wanted kids, i still wasnt sure, but i guess now in a way, maddie was kinda our kid.

"and we love you so much little love" i said pulling back to put my arm around carina and the other around maddie

"si cuore mio. ti amo maddie, i am so proud to know you and your have you and your sister in my life." carina said kissing maddie in her forehead

"okay we gotta stop now or i'm gonna be crying all night" i said

"can we watch a movie?" maddie asked

"of course little love"

we headed over to the couch, maddie sat in the middle of carina and i and i saw the joy in her face mirroring my own. my girls. my little family.

we wound up watching the avengers and maddie fell asleep about half way through. i looked over at her resting her head in carinas lap as my girlfriend played with her hair. i couldn't help but smile.

"what bambina?" carina chuckled at me

"i just love you so much. i love how you are with maddie. i love how much she trusts you. god i love you so fucking much." i said

"and i love you maya. and i love maddie too, she's a wonderful kid and i am so happy to get to know her. i am thrilled she feels safe with me, i want her to always feel safe with us." carina answered

god i love this woman. she is everything i never knew i wanted "Marry me." the words fell out of my mouth before i could stop them.

carina's eyes went wide

"marry me" i said again. sure of myself this time. "you are everything i never knew i needed. you complete me. i don't ever want to be without you. marry me carina"

"maya," she said shaking her head with a smile "si bambina. si i will marry you"

she leaned over to kiss me, momentarily forgetting about maddie in her lap

"ow" maddie said as she landed on the floor upside down.

"oh my god! cuore mio i'm so sorry are you okay!?" carina reached down to try and pull maddie up

"wait what did i miss?" she asked seeing the smiles on Carina and I's faces

"well i just asked carina to marry me" i said chuckling

"OH MY GOD!!" maddie said, still upside down

"and i of course said yes" carina smiled

maddie scrambled up off the floor and hugged us both

"im so happy for you both" she said "i love you both so much and i'm so happy"

"we love you cuore mio" carina said pushing maddie's hair behind her ear

"so much little love. we love you so much." i added. she was my baby sister, and seeing her so happy at my love with Carina was almost overwhelming.

the 3 of us hugged some more before i caught maddie yawning.

"alrighty! bed time" i said pulling maddie off the couch towards her room. we said our good nights and i made my way towards my room where my FIANCÉ was waiting for me in bed. any trace of tiredness vanished when i saw her in her lingerie

"god i love you" i said moving towards her. she stopped any more words i may have had with a passionate kiss.

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