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Maya and Carina were having the best time on their honeymoon at the Matthews condo in hawaii. there was lots of newlywed sex, but at this point the newlyweds were lounging by the pool, enjoying the sun and each others company.

then 2 guys came over and tried to flirt with them, either not aware or not caring that the 2 were married to each other.

"come on just let us buy you some drinks" one of them goaded

"how about this," maya started. the men were clearly intrigued. "if you can do more push-ups than me, you buy us drinks and we let you hang out with us. if i can do more push-ups than you, you buy our drinks for the day but leave us alone. deal?"

the man raised his eyebrows clearly thinking the blonde was full of shit, completely oblivious to the fact that he was talking to an olympian.

"you have yourself a deal darlin" the man replied with a smug smirk

"oh now this i have to see" carina said turning around in her chair to watch

maya and the guy began doing push-ups, and the man soon realized that maya was seriously strong. they kept going for a few moments until his arms gave out and he simply couldn't continue. maya did a few more out of spite before getting up and telling the waitress to cancel their tab and add all of her and carinas drinks to the boy's.

without a word to the men, she walked over to her wife smugly and pulled her in for a deep kiss.

"that was very sexy bambina" carina said through kisses.

"you did what!?" maddie asked on facetime after hearing her sister and her wife recount the story from the push up contest "maya that is amazing"

lily and maddie were both giggling as carina and maya shared the story of humiliating the annoying men.

"oh we gotta go or we are are gonna be late for our game!" maddie said realizing the time "i love you both and i'm so happy you're having a good time!! can't wait to see you soon!"

"love you mads!" "love you cuore mio, be safe!" maya and carina called before the call ended and maddie and lily ran out the door for their soccer game, which they won 5-0, maddie having scored one goal, and provided 2 assists. she has been playing more of a mid role lately, covering more of the field and getting involved in all sides of the ball.

the team hadn't lost a game that maddie played in all year. and they were about to enter a few weeks off before the state tournament began. maddie was nervous but excited.

this was also the first game that Maya and Carina had missed. and while Maddie knew that they were on their honeymoon and would never ask them to come back early for a soccer game, she did miss knowing they were in the stands rooting for her. Andy, vic and travis had come though to support.

as Maddie and lily got back in Lily's car and headed for the gated matthews home, maddie couldn't help but feel unsettled. she couldn't quite articulate the feeling, but something felt wrong.

what she didn't realize was that there had been a car following behind her for the past couple days.
"maya! Carina!!! you're home!!" maddie cried jumping off the couch to greet her sister and her wife as they came through the door with luggage

"hi little love! you didn't have to wait up for us!!" maya said entering the apartment

"hi cuore mio! we missed you!"

they all exchanged hugs before maya and carina paused and held maddie at arms length. "you cut your hair!" maya said to her sister with surprise.

maddie blushed a bright red. she had cut her hair. her dirty blonde waves now fell in layers, with the longest landing about just below her chin and was the shortest she had ever had it. she really preferred it longer but she was sick of trying to hide the short patch. she wanted to leave that chapter and memories of what her father had done in the past. so the day before she and lily had headed to a hairdresser and chopped it all off to blend the shorter patch in better. lily had held her hand while she tried not to cry as the hairdresser cut off at least 6 inches of her blonde waves. maddie was still getting used to it, and was still a bit upset about having to cut off so much in order to blend it. but she was determined that that would be the last thing her father ever took from her. it would grow back, and then she could keep it long forever. like maya's, she loved mayas beautiful long hair.

"yeah... i umm yeah i wanted to blend in the short bit so i don't have to hide it anymore."  maddie said running her hands through it nervously

"let me see little love!" maya said as carina reached to turn on the light.  "oh mads! it's so cute!!!" she said hugging her sister

"cuore mio, it really does look nice!"

"i wanted to leave behind what Lane did to me once and for all, and everytime i looked in the mirror, i had that constant reminder" maddie said looking at the floor

"oh mads i'm so proud of you" maya said lifting maddie's chin so her sister was forced to meet her eyes. "i'm so so proud of you my beautiful baby girl" she added, pulling maddie into a hug. mayas heart broke for her sister, again. she had no idea that it had been bothering maddie so much. maddie never talked about lane and what he did, other than with her therapist. she knew her sister really preferred her hair longer  and in the time she had spent away from their parents it had grown quite a bit, so she knew that this must've been a hard choice for her to make.  she hugged her sister close and stroked the now very short, but far more even, dirty blonde hair.

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