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Maddie & maya

it had been a little over a month since the incident at school. maddie refused to tell maya and carina that amber's friends had retaliated. they had locked her in the bathroom and dumped a bucket of some sort of red goo on her. it was sticky and cold and stained her hair pinkish, despite the excessive shampooing she had given her hair in the locker rooms. luckily, maya and carina had gotten pretty used to maddie wearing hats and hoods most of the time, so it was nothing out of the ordinary when she wore a bucket hat at home for a few days while it faded out. lily had leant her an extra set of clothes that she had in her soccer bag. maddie still wasn't allowed to play. Maya and Carina had done so much for her, she didnt want them worrying about silly high school bullies... they had a wedding to plan!

maya and carina were deep into wedding planning. and it was really coming together. carina's brother was going to walk her down the aisle and be her best man. ben was going to officiate. maya planned to ask maddie if she would walk her down the aisle and serve as her maid of honor. she didn't know why, but she was nervous to ask her baby sister. the wedding was going to take place at vic's parents restaurant and it was going to be a small affair. mostly firefighters and doctors from the hospital. family.

"maya!! carina!! wake up!!" maddie shouted "it's check up day!!!"

the 2 older women sat up in bed "you'd think it was christmas morning" maya said laughing

"Its nice to see our girl so excited" Carina said. Maya's heart melted hearing Carina call Maddie their girl.

they got out of bed and made coffee.

"check up dayyyyyyy!" maddie cheered dancing in the kitchen. today was the day she would finally get cleared to play soccer again.

carina and maya both laughed seeing her excitement. odds are she would get cleared to play again, but maya still worried how disappointed her sister would be if for whatever reason callie and arizona didn't clear her.

maddie's bruises were gone. the scar on her forehead had all but disappeared. there was still a scar on her side from the incision, but it really wasn't noticeable, even when maddie just had her sports bra on. even her hair had started to grow back. it was still funny looking,  as that patch only had about an inch of hair, but with carina's help, maddie had learned how to cover it with braids. and the scar was hidden. things were finally getting back to normal.

"ready to go cuore mio?" carina called

"yes!" maddie said running out of the bathroom with her hair in 2 braids.  as she ran into the living room, she tripped over her own 2 feet.

"whoa there" maya said as she caught her and put her upright. "careful mads! let's not reinjure you, okay?"

the 3 chuckled and headed to the car to go to the hospital.

they were sitting in an exam room waiting on callie and arizona to come check her latest x rays. andrew was kind enough to take maddie for them when they got there so they didn't have to wait.

"hi maddie! carina, maya!" arizona robbins said entering the room. while dr.s shepherd, torres, and pierce had been the ones mainly operating on her, as the chief of pediatric surgery, arizona was the primary doctor on maddie's case.

"arizona! please don't keep me waiting anymore. the suspense is killing meeeee" maddie said

"mads- manners!" maya said, but she was laughing at her sister

"here comes callie-" arizona said as her wife walked in with a folder with maddie's name on it.

dr. torres put 2 images up on the light board. "this one here" she said pointing at one that clearly showed fractured ribs, with one puncturing her lung "is where we started 8 weeks ago. and this" she pointed to the one that showed screws and plates, but what looked like healed ribs "is where we are now."

"dr. callie!!! please just tell me what it means! maddie said. carina laughed, she knew what the x-rays meant.

"well maddie, it means that you are 100% cleared to play soccer again! congrats kiddo!" callie said with a big smile.

maddie hugged arizona and callie "thank you thank you thank you!!"

"you better get back to practicing, because we want to come to a game!!" arizona added handing her a note that she could give to coach saying she was officially cleared

maya hugged carina, looking at her little sister so happy. She knew how hard it was for Maddie to sit by and watch the team play without her.

"come on kiddo, let's get you to school before you miss any more!" maya said

"the reception desk can get you a note for school cuore mio" carina said. she was staying at the hospital as she worked here.  maddie was grateful that she made the time to come to her appointment though. Her sister's fiance clearly loved Maddie like family and that felt nice.

maya and maddie got the note she needed for school and said their good byes to carina before heading back to the car.

"are you gonna come to the station after school little love?" maya asked as they pulled into the school parking lot

"i have soccer practice, but can come by after? i can pick up dinner and bring it by?" maddie said

"sure baby, that sounds great." maya said

"love you maya!" maddie said as she got out of the car

"love you more mads!" maya called back "be safe okay, i know you're cleared but it's okay to ease back in baby!"

maddie rolled her eyes "you're such a mom maya! i'll be fine!!"

maya watched her sister run into the school with a pep in her step she hadn't seen since the first week or so maddie lived with her and carina. thinking through what Maddie had said... such a mom... she guessed she was acting more as a parent than sister at this point.. she didnt mind the title.

life was good. she had a beautiful fiancé, and a bright and happy kid/ sister. what more could she want?

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