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I divvied out assignments for this shift and was sitting in the beanery catching up with Andy and Vic when Maddie texted that she was on her way back home. I was relieved that she was feeling better, but i didnt want her to push it.

"What's up maya? You have doom and gloom face?" Vic teased me

"I honestly think that just might be her face" Andy joined in

"Haha very funny" i rolled my eyes at them "Maddie went to the beach with Shannon today, she's going back to school tomorrow. I'm just worried she's taking on too much. The flu really wore her out"

"You're such a mom now" Vic teased "but really it's sweet. She's fine, kids bounce back quick you know this"

"But despite all this teasing," Andy cut her off with a look "it is sweet how you worry about her. She's really lucky to have you and Carina. You changed her life Maya"

Before I could respond, the Klaxon went off and we were called in to support Station 23 on an MVC. We didnt know much so as soon as we arrived to the scene i approached Captain Aquino, who was running incident command.

"Captain Bishop. We could really use support on extraction. Based on the civilian that called it in, that truck over there ran a redlight and sent that jeep over there flying." My heart stopped when he said jeep... there's no way. Maddie hadn't texted that she made it home yet. "the driver of the truck is enroute to grey Sloan in aid 23. We will likely need aid 19 for one of the girls in the jeep"

girls in the jeep... it couldn't be. I think i stopped breathing. I took off a dead sprint towards the overturned jeep in the ditch. Picking up my pace when i saw it was blue. No. No way. It couldn't be. I heard Aquino and others calling after me, but i had to know if this was Shannon's car.

"Bishop whoa-" Ruiz, who had subbed a few times at 19 and was currently seeing Vic, tried to stop me. But i shoved him off.

"MAYA!?" A frantic voice called from the overturned car. A familiar voice. Shannon.

"Shannon? Are you okay sweetie? Is Maddie with you??" I yelled breaking free of Ruiz and crouching down. Shannon looked shaken up, but otherwise unharmed. Maddie was unconscious, with a head lac. "MADDIE?"

"Maya im so sorry it came out of nowhere!!" Shannon cried, she looked to be physically okay, but she was hysterical.

"They are both stable Bishop, but you gotta either help or get out of the way so we can get to them." Ruiz said seriously. By now 19 had caught up and realized that this was Maddie and Shannon. Ben radio'd dispatch saying they would need another company to support... 19 shouldn't be working on family and i was too distracted to be of much help.

After a while, we got the girls out, and put Maddie on a gurney, she was still out cold. Shannon was cleared. Some bumps and bruises but otherwise unharmed. She was sobbing incoherently though.

"its okay, its okay" i tried to soothe her, but let her join me in the back of the aid car heading for Grey Sloan with Maddie. I just wanted Maddie to be okay, but i knew she would want me to make sure Shannon was fine.

"I tried to avoid it i did! It just came out of nowhere!!" the dark haired girl wailed

"Shannon honey, you need to call your mom" i offered her my phone, but she waved me off and pulled hers out. Trying to remain calm. I heard Shannon on the phone with her mom. Telling her that she had been in an accident. Yes, she was okay. No she didnt know about the car. Yes, they were headed to the hospital, Maddie was hurt.

I took advantage of her moment of distraction and called Carina.


"Sorry babe, im on my way to grey Sloan. Meet me in the ER. It's Maddie" I couldn't get much more out. Between my own worries about Maddie and trying to keep Shannon calm.

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