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I swear I couldn't focus in class. Shannon sat in front of me and i just couldn't think straight around this girl! The final bell rang and we walked together towards the parking lot, taking our sweet time.

"So, i think you owe me a long story?" She said flashing me a smile that absolutely melted me

"About why i have 2 last names?" She nodded "well i was born Maddie Bishop. A while back, my older sister and her wife actually adopted me. They hyphenated their names, so i changed mine too when the adoption was finalized. Carina's last name is DeLuca. it just felt right to have the same name as both of them" I said, keeping it simple, i didnt want to get into the why "i guess its not that long of a story" that earned me a laugh

"No, but im sure how you came to be adopted by your sister and her wife is" Shannon responded through laughter . We had reached my car now and i leaned against my door, not wanting to say goodbye.

"Yes, but that story is not for today" i tried to keep my tone light, but i didnt want to talk about my father.

She must've sensed my shift and took a step forward, gently taking my hand. Her tone and eyes softening and getting serious "Hey im sorry, it's not my business."

"It's okay, it's a natural question. How bout i promise to tell you one day?" I squeezed her hand back

"I'd like that" she smiled and bit her lip. It looked like she wanted to ask me something.

"Do you need a ride?" I asked

"No, it's okay, im just a few blocks from here" she answered. She still bit her lip and had moved closer to me. What was happening?

"Oh, if you're sure" i still hadn't let go of her hand. I didnt want to.

"Maddie?" She leaned in further

"Shannon?" I whispered back

her free hand delicately reached out and softly held my cheek. I think i stopped breathing. Her bright blue eyes locked on mine. I still wasnt really sure what was going on, but I don't think i minded.

"Breathe Maddie" she whispered. I exhaled. She stood on tip toe and her lips gently met mine. I had no idea what to do, this was my first time kissing anyone. I wondered if she could tell. She pulled away smiling. So i guess I couldn't have been that bad. "I've been wanting to do that since yesterday"

"You have?" I asked, genuinely shocked. She laughed that magic laugh. We were still holding hands.

"Yes, i have. I would also really like to take you to dinner on friday, if you're interested?" She asked. I think i forgot how to speak so i just nodded. "Great, this- " she grabbed my hand and a pen from her bag "is my number" she wrote it on my hand, then kissed it. "I will await your text this evening." She turned and skipped away out of the parking lot leaving me absolutely dumb struck in the emptying parking lot.

What the hell had just happened?

I could still feel where her lips had been on mine, where her hand held mine. I touched my fingers to my lips, tracing where hers had been.


I got in my car and pulled out my phone, saving her number quickly. I wasnt going to text her yet... i needed advice. Just saying 'hey it's Maddie' felt lame. I just sat in my car thinking for a while, when my phone rang. Oh crap i had been sat here for nearly an hour.

"Hi mom" i answered

"Maddie? Are you okay? Where are you?? I thought you were coming to the station after school?" Maya's voice sounded panicked.

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