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In the stands Maya was beside herself. "Not again. Please not again." She thought.

"Bambina breathe" Carina held her hand. It's like time stood still. Maya couldn't hear anything... she was too worried about Maddie. She stood frozen to the spot as Carina and their friends did their best to get a glimpse of of what was happening.

A sharp whistle broke Maya out of her thoughts. The crowd moved and Maya's vision focused. She exhaled deeply as she saw Maddie take Shannon's hand up and shake it off. She was okay.

"She's okay maya, she's okay" Andy put a hand on her friends shoulder.

Maddie's team was awarded a penalty kick. If they made this, that was it. It was over. As captain, Maddie would be the one who stepped up.

"I don't think I can watch" Vic said turning her head into Theo's chest

"She does this in her sleep." Alexa whispered "Her, Shannon and Lily are always practicing PKs. She's got this."

"I can't breathe" Maya said

Carina just silently took her wife's hand, trying to calm her with her presence alone.

On the field, Maddie took Shannon's hand up and the water that a teammate offered her.

"Ready MDB?" Jess asked, Maddie nodded. "You've got this Maddie." The team chorused variations of those assurances and Maddie nodded and turned to Shannon.

"You've got this, don't over think it babe. You do this all the time. It's just practice. Block it all out" Shannon's icy blue eyes met Maddie's hazel ones. Maddie took her advice and tuned out everything but her girlfriend's words.

"I love you" she whispered

"I love you more, now go finish this" Shannon whispered as she hugged her.

Maddie took another deep breath and met the ref at the penalty spot. She lined up, and the opposing goalie did her best to make herself big. Maddie closed her eyes and took another deep breath as she stood over the ball. She kept her eyes closed as she focused on her breathing, blocking out the cheers, the boo's, all of it. It was just her and the ball. She opened her eyes and let the ball fly. The keeper dove, but it was no use. Maddie's technique was perfect. It was a goal.

Maddie stood for about half a second before the stadium absolutely erupted and she was buried by her teammates. She somehow found Shannon and pulled her in for a kiss right then and there. Just like the dream she had had a few months ago.

There was barely a minute left in the game and the other team had more or less accepted their defeat. Maddie took the ball deep into their own corner and just held until the ref signaled the end of the game.


In the Matthews backyard, all the firefighters, several doctors as well as the entire soccer team, coaching staff and families and friends were gathered celebrating the win. Maddie was voted MVP, having scored all 3 goals, it was a no brainer.

The party began to wind down and after a while it was just the usual suspects. The Grady family, the Matthews family and the station/ hospital family.

"So we are going to Wes's party right?" Parker asked

"Hell yeah, keep the celebrations going!!" Lily cheered

"Lil...Maddie and i are not party ready" Shannon said. Lily had changed into jeans and a cropped tank, but Maddie and Shannon were still wearing their sweats that they had changed into after a quick shower after the game

"Who cares, it's not like you're trying to impress anyone... you are already adorably in love" Lily countered

"I think your sweats are hot babe" Maddie turned and looked at Shannon with a smirk, voice stern, but dripping in sarcasm

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