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i was so proud of the game maddie was playing. it was a really competitive game and they had almost pulled out the win.

i watched as maddie was taking the ball up the pitch, i watched as the opposing player slid into maddie. then i heard her scream.

i watched the training staff rush the field as i frantically looked around for a way into the field myself.

"maya" carina shook me as we saw lily sprinting over

"maya! carina! you guys gotta come now. can you jump over the barrier?" lily asked, tears were running down her face and i knew then that it was bad.

luckily a team of firefighters we are all pretty athletic. i jumped the barrier easily, but it was a fair drop. "wait- callie i think we might need you and arizona"

jack hoped down too. between he and i on the field and dean and sullivan in the stands, we got carina, callie, and arizona down too and we took off running towards maddie. i was the fastest and i shoved players from both sides out of my way

"let me through- that's my SISTER!" i screamed forcing my way through

"clear a path-" one of the assistant coaches yelled and the see of players and staff seemed to part like the red sea.

maddie wasn't screaming anymore,  but she was on the ground writhing in pain and crying. the athletic trainers looked at a loss of what to do.

"we called 911- ambulance is on the way" one of them said.

"maya!" maddie's coach said "please tell me you have a doctor with you?" he asked

"she does" carina said, panting as her, callie and arizona had finally caught up

maddie's leg was clearly broken. the bone was sticking out and there was blood and what looked like broken pieces of her shinguard around her. how hard had the other girl hit her to do this kind of damage?

i crouched down near her head as callie, Arizona and carina sprung into action looking through what the trainers had in their kit.

"mads, little love, i'm here" i said

"maya!?" maddie wailed "maya it hurts make it stop"

she was clearly in a ton of pain and as much as I wanted to, I couldn't make it stop.

callie took lead as this was clearly an ortho case.  together we carefully got maddie to lay on her back instead of her side, and helped her sit up and lean into me. she was shaking and crying in pain.  i stroked her hair and told her i was there, i wasn't sure what else to do.

callie used scissors to cut maddie's sock, boot and shinguard off to try to get a better look. it looked bad to me, and i was relieved callie was here. she was the best orthopedic surgeon we knew, hell she is one of the best in the world.

"compound fracture is reducing the blood flow to her foot. i need to reduce it" callie said

"here? shouldn't we wait till we have pain meds in her?" arizona asked

carina looked nervous

"i don't want to cause her more pain,  but i don't want to wait. i'm not getting a pulse in the foot" callie said "maddie i'm really sorry i have to reduce this fracture now, it's gonna hurt like hell. but i need you to stay as still as you can" callie said

maddie was still shaking in my arms, but nodded. i used the whole of my body to wrap around maddie's upper body in an effort to keep her still. carina and arizona helped to hold
the rest of her down.

"maddie i'm so sorry" arizona said, knowing what was coming. 

"sorellina, bite on this." carina handed maddie a roll of gauze to bite down on. at that gesture, maddie and i both knew this was gonna be bad

callie counted to 3, there was a sickening crack and maddie bucked in my embrace, screaming through the gauze carina had given her. tears streaming down her cheeks

"i'm so sorry that was the worst part i promise" callie said. i knew callie felt horrible about having to do that without pain meds, but i trusted her implicitly. she wouldn't have put maddie through that if there was another option.

i heard an ambulance being driven right into the field. i continued to hold maddie and whisper reassurances to her as callie, arizona and carina worked to use an inflatable splint to set maddie's leg.

"you're doing so well sorellina" carina did her best to help soothe maddie. we were getting desperate to get some pain meds in her, it was hard to watch her in this much pain.

the paramedics came over and tried to get maddie into the gurney, but she wouldn't let go of me. so i hopped onto the gurney and the paramedics and our friends carefully lifted maddie and put her in front of me, so i could continue holding her. at every movement she cried out in pain. carina helped a paramedic run an iv and soon enough, pain meds were being delivered to her bloodstream.

"you'll feel better soon mads, hang in there little love" i whispered reassurances in her ear

"you won't all fit in the ambulance" one of the paramedics said bluntly as they were about to load us in.

"callie you should stay with maddie please?" carina asked. keeping the orthopedic surgeon with maddie was definitely the best option.

"of course. we are going to grey sloan memorial" she told the paramedic before climbing in with maddie and i.

"we will meet you there bambina!" carina called turning to leave with arizona

"no! carina!!! don't leave me sorella!!" maddie was getting hysterical and clearly wanted the people she felt safest with, carina and i, with her during this. carina froze and looked at my distraught sister with her heart in her eyes.

"can you make room if you ride in front?" i asked the paramedic who was getting in the back with us

"one of us needs to be back here" he said. i knew the policy but honestly fuck that. maddie would be in the best hands with carina and callie.

"look- im a paramedic and between me and 2 doctors, we can manage. please ride up front so my wife can come, my sister needs her." i plead

"fine" he grunted and got out.

carina climbed in and shut the doors behind her and took a seat with callie. she reached for maddie's hand, and i continued stroking her tear soaked face. the pain meds were kicking in so she was calming down, but we were about to have a rough summer, i was sure of it.

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