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maya & maddie

Things had been going well in the DeLuca Bishop house. Maddie continued to love soccer, in addition to Stanford, other schools had begun to take interest in her. UNC, Columbia, Rutgers, Miami, Northwestern.. you name it. Programs from around the country were trying to get Maddie out for a visit. They had all agreed to not pursue anything till after Maya and Carina's wedding. the wedding was coming up, Maya saw still waiting for the right moment to ask Maddie to walk her down the aisle and stand by her side as she made Carina her wife.

"Mad's hun, can you come out here?" Maya asked nervously. she had a card, and a little gift bag of some of Maddie's favorite things. it was cheesy, but she wanted to make it a bit of a deal when she asked Maddie to give her away at her wedding.

"Sure, whats up, everything okay?" Maddie asked a bit concerned as she came into the living room. it had been a few months since the incident with their father, and the part of her hair they had had to shave had grown in quite well, but still looked a bit odd. Maddie had taken to hiding it by wearing her hair half up and half down alot, she had found lots of cute ways to do it. "where's carina?"

"She ran to the hospital quickly, she will be back soon. come sit?" Maya said. The reality was Carina had made sure to schedule a c-section at this time so the sisters could have their moment.

"My.... youre scaring me" maddie said moving to sit. Maya smiled at the new nickname Maddie had begun using for her.

"no no, baby im sorry, dont worry" Maya said, gaining confidence "I just wanted to give you something" She said pulling a card and gift bag out from behind the couch.

Maddie raised her eyebrows, but went to open the card.

'Maddie, my little love.

I have so enjoyed watching you come out of your shell and getting the chance to know you. thank you for letting me fight to earn your trust back. I can never make up for the first 16 years of your life, but i will spend the rest of mine making sure you know how loved and special you are.

I am so grateful to have you in my life, and would love nothing more than if you would walk me down the aisle on my wedding day. would you do me the honor, little love?

all my love, Maya

"Maya! of course!!" The younger girl dropped the card and threw her arms around her sister. "I would love to, i'm so happy for you and Carina."

"thank you little love, i cant wait either" Maya said holding her sister in her arms a bit longer before pulling away and handing her the gift bag. "this is just a little something for my favorite girl"

Maddie began to open the bag and in it was a new waterbottle, some of her favorite snacks, and a signed jersey from Maddie's favorite USWNT player, Kelley O'Hara. "OMG Maya-- this is too much... i love it - and you- so much" Maddie said hugging her sister again.

"im really grateful to have you in my life kiddo" Maya said "do you want to come to the station with me later and hang out?"

"Yeah! when do you need to leave for shift? i can drive you in"

a few hours later, both Bishops walked into station 19 where Andy was eagerly waiting for them in reception. Maya had told her best friend what she planned to do today and the short lieutenant was eager to hear how it had gone.

"hi Mija!" andy greeted maddie enthusiastically with a hug "Maya, how's your day been" Andy asked trying to feign that she didnt know what Maya had planned for the morning

"I asked her" Maya said

"and i of course said yes, i'm incredibly honored" Maddie said

"YAY!" Andy said pulling both sisters into a hug while jumping up and down. Both Bishop girls giggled. Maya headed into her office to change and Andy and Maddie lingered in reception waiting on her. once Maya reemerged, the 3 headed up to the beanery. where they hung out with the team for a bit

"Alright 19!" Maya called "I think we are due to run some drills, so let's get into workout clothes" she called, standing up. The team groaned, maya's drills were always rough.

"I think that's my cue to head out haha" Maddie said with a giggle

"Wait wait wait! i have an idea!!" Vic said everyone turned to look at her. "if Maddie can beat you in a fit test, no drills for a month... if you win we will do double drills?"

"and what would i get out of this?" Maddie asked, laughing.

"what would you want?" dean asked, clearly onboard with Vic's plan

"honestly i was kidding. i kinda want to try your fit test- but if i win, i want to go down the fire pole" Maddie said

"Cap, you in?" Travis asked

"You guys really are all betting on Maddie?" Maya asked, laughing, but a little offended. Maddie was a hell of an athlete, but Maya was an olympian and a firefighter who did this all the time. "If Maddie is fine with it, im in"

The firefighters all cheered and went to set up the drills. Maddie and Maya headed into Maya's office to get changed. Maddie kept some workout clothes at the station because she liked to use the gym sometimes

"Mads, are you sure? you don't have to do this kiddo" Maya asked

"oooh are you scared" Maddie teased her sister "It'll be fun!" the 2 Bishop sisters headed into the barn where the firefighters set up the course.

"Okay- so to keep it fair, no one will wear turnouts." Andy started to explain "First, you'll flip the tires the length of the barn. Then do 30 pushups. then haul the hoses across the barn and then do 20 pull ups. Finally, run up the stairs to the catwalk. first one to ring the bell wins." Andy finished.

Maddie started to get a little bit nervous. it was alot of upper body, and while maddie was strong, she mainly worked her lowerbody for soccer.

Vic and Andy pulled maddie to the side "You ready Mija" andy aske. Maddie nodded, and started to get her game face on. Jack turned on some music, and maddie told herself its just like a soccer game.

"ready?" Ben asked. he was the official judge, as the team felt he was most likely to be unbiased. Both blondes nodded. "alright, get set, GO!" he said and they were off

Maddie pulled every so slightly ahead flipping the tire, but Maya pulled back and took the lead in the pushups. maddie evened it back up hauling the hoses, using her longer limbs to her advantage. At the pull ups, Maddie inched ahead. she knew her sister was fast, but Maya's thing was always distance.

The firefighters were all cheering, both sisters were impressive. as they were starting, Carina walked in and Jack explained what was happening. Carina couldnt help but laugh. her girls were so silly and competitive.

As they jumped down from the pull up bar, Maddie was just a half second ahead. they took off up the stairs, Maddie using her extra height to take them 2 at a time. Maddie got to the bell first, with Maya just a step behind her.

As the bell rang, all the firefighters cheered. Maya held up Maddie's hand as she was the victor. Usually Maya would be mad at losing any contest, but she was so freakin proud of her sister.

Maya walked Maddie over to the fire pole and talked her through how to do it safely. When Maddie landed back on the floor of the barn, the firefighters all cheered and hugged her, grateful that the young girl had gotten them out of drills.

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