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I will be traveling for the next several days, so there wont be an update for a bit longer than usual, but don't worry- i promise I'll be back! Maddie's story is far from done :)


Maddie and Shannon spent the next day lounging around the house, watching movies, and just resting and enjoying each other's company. The doctors were right, they were both pretty sore from the accident, but it wasnt any worse than how they felt after some soccer tournaments. Shannon fretted over her girlfriend and Maddie tried to assure her that she was fine, she'd had worse. A fractured wrist was nothing.

In fact, Maya and some of her connections from PD had reviewed traffic cam footage. The little swerve Shannon did at the last minute likely saved Maddie's life. The driver of the other car unfortunately died of his injuries, but the tox screen revealed that he had been absolutely hammered.

Maya and Carina were beside themselves that Maddie had nearly been killed... again... but they just tried to focus on the positive, which was that their girl was okay, in good spirits, and happier than ever with her new girlfriend.

As the semester wrapped up, the DeLuca- Bishops had a quiet Christmas. Mostly spending time at the station. The Grady family had traveled to the east coast to be with extended family, so Maddie was missing her girlfriend. She spent a lot of time with Lily, playing video games or discussing soccer formations when it was too cold to play soccer outside. Lily even confessed that she had started seeing a boy from the basketball team, Parker. They planned for double dates in the new year.

Maddie's birthday was coming up, fast. Maya and Carina wanted to go all out to celebrate. The last year had been full of ups and downs and they wanted to make sure that Maddie felt celebrated. They planned and coordinated with the Matthews family, Shannon, as well as the doctors and firefighters.

Shannon and Lily were on deck to get Maddie to the Matthews household where everyone would be waiting to surprise her.

"Happy birthday Mads!" Shannon said, leaning across the lunch table to peck her girlfriend on the lips

"Y'all are too cute," Lily said, she had already wished Maddie happy birthday when they first saw each other this morning "you both are still good to come to mine after school right?"

"Yes! I can't want to see the new indoor soccer set up in your basement that you got for Christmas!" Shannon covered for the surprise party that was waiting for Maddie

"Literally im so excited to see it... your parents really must want us to practice indoors" Maddie laughed

"Well considering last year we both nearly got hypothermia practicing in a blizzard, can you blame them?" Lily laughed too, she caught Shannon's eye and they shared a knowing glance. They were proud of how well they had been covering the surprise.

"Hi lil!" Parker said sliding into the table next to Lily "Shannon, Maddie" he added politely

"Speaking of cute..." Maddie said and Shannon laughed as Lily blushed and Parker just looked proud of himself.


"Babe, i need to speak with Ms. Adams quick before we go to Lily's, do you mind waiting so i can ride with you?" Shannon asked at the end of their last class

"Of course, take your time" Maddie answered with a smile, totally oblivious that this was all part of the plan to set up the surprise party waiting for her at Lily's.

About 30 mins after their last class let out, they were on their way to the Matthews house. Shannon was having a hard time containing her excitement, but Maddie remained oblivious. Maddie parked in her usual spot in Lily's driveway and they got out of the car and headed into the garage. Maddie knew the code and Lily had told her a long time ago just to let herself in. Shannon had texted Maya and Carina when they left the school, so inside the house, everyone was hiding in anticipation of Maddie's entrance.

"SURPRISE!" Everyone chorused as Maddie walked in. She jumped in surprise, but soon smiled as she looked around seeing her family waiting for her. In addition to the Matthews family, there were all the firefighters from 19, some friends from the soccer team, Cheffy, and a handful of doctors from the hospital, including her Zio.

"Happy birthday baby!" Maya crossed the room to pull Maddie into a hug

"Did you know about this?" Maddie turned to look at Shannon

"Mayyyyybeeee" the dark haired girl chimed.

The party commenced, Cheffy had prepped so much food and even a cake. Everything was wonderful, and Maddie was surrounded by love and the people she loved.

"So is this finally happening?" Maddie asked as she took a seat near Jack and Alexa who were snuggled up together

"Yes, yes" Alexa laughed

"You were right Mad Dog. We have been seeing each other for a couple months... this is what you kids call a hard launch" Jack said

"Good, im happy for you both, but uncle jack, if you hurt her... i will kill you" Maddie eyed him seriously before heading off to grab another drink.

"Having fun Piccola?" Carina joined Maddie at the cooler

"Si, I don't know how you guys pulled this off. It's incredible. Everyone i love is here" Maddie smiled

"Well it's your first birthday with Maya and I, we wanted to make it special" Carina held out her arm, inviting Maddie in for a hug. Maddie took her up on the offer.

"Maddie!" Shannon called her over, so Maddie extricated herself from her Mama's embrace and went to join her girlfriend, Lily and Parker who were trying to play cornhole "be my partner?"

"Always" Maddie pecked her on the lips and then went to stand on the other side so they could play.

Maya joined her wife and took Maddie's spot in Carina's embrace. They watched with a smiles as Maddie had a good time with her friends, and their friends and family surrounded her with love.

"I love seeing her so happy" Maya said as they watched Maddie drain 3 beanbags in a row and do a silly little celebration dance

"Mmmhmm" Carina agreed, returning the affection from her wife. "She deserves it."

"Are you guys excited for soccer season to start back up again?" Alexa joined them, with jack in tow.

"Yeah, i know Maddie has really missed it. I'm a little worried. There was a lot of college interest that all got pulled when she got hurt... so i know she's going to put a ton of pressure on herself to stir that back up, but i just want her to be happy" Maya said. Carina tightened her embrace, sensing her wife's nerves.

"Oh i have no doubt that if Maddie wants to play in college, she will have plenty of offers" Alexa assured them. It was true, unbeknownst to all of them, there were numerous scouts planning to come to the first game in a couple of weeks to see how Maddie returned from her injury.


After the party, Maddie drove Shannon home before meeting Maya and Carina back at their apartment.

"Thank you again, that was really amazing... best birthday ever!" Maddie was at a loss for words to properly express her gratitude for not only today's party, but also everything Maya and Carina had done for her over the past year.

"Of course bub, you deserve it" Maya smiled and reached behind the couch to get one more gift bag. Maddie had already been adequately spoiled by everyone with lots of birthday presents, but Maya and Carina had a couple more surprises in store.

"Whoa, you guys already got me a present!" Maddie tried to protest, and pointed to the necklace that she hadn't taken off since they had given it to her. It was a simple piece, a thin gold chain, with a flat gold disc charm. On one side, a 19 was engraved, on the other 'DeLuca-Bishop.' Her family with the station and her new last name. She only intended to take it off for soccer, she loved it.

"This is small cuore mio, we promise, come sit" Carina laughed

Maddie eyed them skeptically and crossed to join them in the living room. She unwrapped the present, and struggled to fight the tears burning in her eyes.

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