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IT WAS COLD. Really cold. that was the only feeling on the girl's body. It surrounded her in a comfortable enclosure. It was peaceful like she was well rested after sleeping in a cool room in the winter under a giant blanket.

Only that wasn't the case. A single head peeked at the unconscious girl as he looked at her in confusion.

"Arin?" At the call of her name, the girl groaned.

"Aang, not now. I'm tired." She said drifting back into her sleep.

"Arin, wake up!" Another groan was elicited from her before she peeked her eye open only to find a small pale boy and two tanned kids staring at her.

"Agh!" She screamed in shock as she crawled back in momentary fear.

"Relax, Arin." The small boy tried to calm her down as she panted.

"Who are these people, Aang?" She whispered to the small boy.

"Uhh... I don't know them very well." He scratched his nape nervously and glanced up at the older girl who had a furrowed gaze on her face.

"Are you an Airbender too?" The tanned girl with two loops leading to the ponytail at the back of her head asked.

"Yeah..." The pale girl said skeptically as she raised an eyebrow at the tanned girl.

"Giant light beams, flying bison, airbenders- I think I got midnight sun madness. I'm going home to where stuff makes sense." The taller boy scratched his head before walking to the edge of the ice platform to see they were stranded.

"Well, if you guys are stuck, Appa, Arin, and I can give you a lift." The pale boy air bent his way up onto the bison's head at its reign.

"We'd love a ride. Thanks!" The tanned girl ran to the side of the bison and before she could climb up, she was stopped by Arin who held her palm to her face.

"No, we won't. Aang we don't know these people! We need to go back to-" The girl crossed her arms and looked up at the small boy on the bison.

"Please, Arin. They need our help." He begged, his eyes getting big at the older girl.

"But-" She persisted sternly.

"Please!" He interlocked his fingers and pouted. Arin looked at him before glancing at the tanned girl before her mouth opened reluctantly.

"Fine." She drew out with a defeated sigh.

"Yay!" Aang cheered before climbing to Appa's side and helping the tan girl up. Arin air bent her way up and leaned back on the saddle, a single hand covering her face.

"Oh, no! I am not getting on that fluffy snot monster." The older tan boy refused as he walked a little way over to the group.

"Are you hoping some other kind of monster will come along and give you a ride home? You know, before you freeze to death." The tan girl told the boy who raised a finger in defiance before sighing. He knew she was right.

Arin flicked her wrist and created a gust of air that carried the boy onto the bison. He yelped in fear before landing on his butt. He crawled next to the tan girl and crossed his arms in annoyance.

"Okay, first-time flyers, hold on tight. Yip yip." The giant beast growled before flicking his tail and going into the air for a second before spreading his arms and legs as he crashed into the water.

"Come on, Appa. Yip yip." Aang said as he whipped the reign gently.

"Wow, that was truly amazing." The tan boy rolled his eyes and the tan girl glared at him.

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