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EVERYONE HAD CHANGED back into their home nation attire. Arin now clad back in their air acolyte robes, Katara and Sokka in their Water Tribe get-ups, and Toph in her Earth Kingdom kimono. Aang being the only one still in Fire Nation clothes.

Sokka had been studying the maps over and over stressfully, Arin and him running back the invasion plan every few minutes. Katara handed them cups of water for support before Aang jumped up excitedly.

"Top of the morning, Momo!"

"Sounds like you slept well." Katara stood up and looked at him.

"Like a baby moose lion. I'm ready to face the Fire Lord." Aang assured determinedly.

"So what's your strategy for taking him down? Going to get your glow on and hit him with a little Avatar State action?" Toph punched the air and Aang drooped.

"I can't. When Azula shot me with lightning, my seventh chakra was licked, cutting off my connection to all cosmic energy in the Universe." He informed sadly.

"You know what I just heard? Blah-blah spiritual mumbo jumbo, blah-blah something about space." Arin shook her head in slight amusement before looking at Aang.

"I'm sure you'll be fine either way, Aang." She tried to ease his worry before they noticed a bunch of fog rolling in.

"Oh, no. Sokka, do you think the fog will delay the invasion?" Katara asked him.

"No," Sokka stood up. "That is the invasion." From the fog, they saw multiple water tribe ships roll in towards the coast. They ran down the hill, Aang and Toph rising rock docks for the boats to stop beside and allow the people aboard to get off.

Katara and Sokka ran to their dad quickly, Sokka asking if he was able to locate everyone Sokka had told him to find, the man with an uneasy look.

"I did, but I'm a little worried, Sokka. Some of these men aren't exactly the warrior type." They looked back to two men in wooden and leafy clothes.

"Whooo-wheee. This place ain't nothing like a swamp. What'd you reckon that is, Tho? Some sort of Fire Nation exploding trap that would eat ya?" The lankier man asked the shorter one.

"It's just a rock, Due."

"Well, I'll be." He scratched his head.

"Is it just me, or are those fellas a little loose in the leaf hat?" Hakoda asked no one in particular.

"I just wish they would wear pants." Bato walled behind him.

"Pants are an illusion." Another short man said as he scratched his belly. "And so is death." Arin walked over and saw a huge grin on Sokka's face.

"Who are the pants-less guys?" She asked.

"Some people we met in the swamp," Sokka said as if that were normal and Arin nodded with a jutted lip. She was still confused, though. What else had gone down while she was traveling with Iroh and Zuko?

"Okay..." Sokka then went over with the other men and Arin and Katara walked back to Toph and Aang to talk for a bit until a voice called out to the oldest girl.

"Hi, Arin." She turned and saw Haru not with a goatee.

"Haru!" She smiled, running up to hug him. "It's so great to see you again." She pulled back from the hug. "Nice stache." She giggled and Haru ran his fingers over it.

"Toph, this is Haru. When we met him, his town was controlled by the Fire Nation. So we had to hide his earth bending." Aang explained as he, Toph, and Katara walked over.

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