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THE GANG HAD HEARD A MAN TELLING A STORY ABOUT AIRWALKERS AND SAT DOWN TO LISTEN. He had said that his Great-Grandfather had seen these "air walkers" just last week. Intrigued, the group set off to find them.

Aang and Arin had been overjoyed, maybe there were airbenders that had survived the genocide a hundred years ago. On course to the Northern Air Temple.

"Hey, we're almost at the Northern Air Temple," Aang said excitedly. "This is where they had championships for sky bison polo."

"Do you think we'll really find airbenders?" Katara leaned into the saddle towards Sokka and Arin.

"You want me to be like you or totally honest?" Sokka asked lamely.

"Are you calling me a liar?"

"I'm saying you're an optimist. Same thing, basically." Arin sighed at the siblings and braided her hair over her shoulder.

"I really hope we find more airbenders. I'm kind of... hopeful."

"Hey, guys, look at this!" Aang said and Arin crawled quickly to the edge of the saddle to see what he saw. The Northern Air Temple is surrounded by flying figures. Her heart swelled, there were more airbenders.

Or so she thought.

"They really are airbenders!" Katara exclaimed and Arin scoffed.

"No, they aren't." She crossed her arms, all her hope deflated, Aang's expression and body language similar to hers.

"What do you mean they're not? Those guys are flying!" Sokka pointed at the flying people.

"Gliding maybe, but not flying. You can tell by the way they move. They're not air-bending. Those people have no spirit." Aang said annoyedly. Arin's head shot to the side as she noticed an incoming figure on a glider. He passed them quickly and they ducked.

They heard the boy laughing amusedly and Arin clenched her teeth.

"I don't know, Aang. That kid seems pretty spirited." They all stared at the boy in front of them and Aabg smirked in competition. He jumped off the bison and quickly launched into the air. More people on gliders arose around them and Arin sighed.

"I'll get us to solid ground." She climbed onto Appa's head and guided him downwards onto the concrete of the temple.

They all watched Aang race the boy they found out was named 'Teo'. Arin watched her little brother race around the temple, clearly bragging and showing off. Teo drew a smoke art of Aang in the sky and people cheered before him and Teo landed on the ground.

It was upon further inspection of Teo that he was in a chair, his legs seemingly paralyzed. He used the wheels on his chair to roll over to the group, he seemed friendly.

"Hey, you two are real airbenders." He said, staring at the tattoos adorning the oldest girl and youngest boy. "Are one of you the Avatar?" He questioned excitedly and Arin nodded to Aang. "That's amazing! I've heard stories about you."

Aang rubbed his head nervously and let out a small thanks.

"Wow! This glider chair is incredible." Sokka examined the glider piece that was now disconnected from Teo's chair.

"You think this is good, wait until you see the other stuff my dad designed." Teo began to roll away, the group following him. They entered a large room, with a bison statue in the middle. There were metal pipes and works all around the large room, Arin's heart sinking as she looked around more and more.

"Wow!" Sokka said in awe as he ran around.

"Yeah, my dad is behind this whole place," Teo said as if it were a good thing and Arin's expression hardened. "Everything is powered by hot air. It even pumps hot air currents outside to give us a lift when we're gliding."

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