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TWO WEEKS IN BA SING SE. It had been incredibly enjoyable for Arin, Zuko not so much. Arin had been making the most of living in the city, as much as it stunk and how unfriendly some of the people were, it was pretty nice.

Each day, it got easier to live there. Today was special, however. Today was the girl's 17th birthday. As soon as she woke up, Iroh had surprised her with a small stack of pancakes and fruits, and a side of her favorite Jasmine tea.

"Oh, Iroh, it's wonderful. Thank you." She smiled, taking the tray and setting it down as she stretched.

"It's not every day you become a young woman. Let's make today an incredible day." The older man smiled, handing her a flower and she grinned, holding it close.

"I will."

"I have to go into the shop early today, Feel free to come in late. I told our boss today was special." He winked and she giggled, watching him leave.

"You didn't tell me today was your birthday," Zuko said, coming from the bathroom. Arin looked at him and smiled.

"I said it a long time ago. I'm surprised Iroh remembered." She waved it off, beginning to eat the meal Iroh prepared for her.

"But-" He started.

"Zuko, it's fine." She laughed. "It's just a birthday." Zuko pursed his lips. But it wasn't just a birthday. It was her birthday and he felt wrong not getting her anything. He said nothing as he left the apartment, leaving the girl to herself.

"OH!" Arin gasped as she reentered the apartment, a small fruit pie she had bought herself in her hands. As soon as she entered the apartment, she was taken aback. There was... a lot of greenery. At least 4 different kinds of flowers in pots sat in front of the door and on the counter.

"What's all this?" She quizzed, waltzing towards the plants.

"I felt bad about not getting you anything... or even remembering." She heard a voice say behind her and she turned to see Zuko standing nervously, a single orange rose in his hand. "I had a little extra money from my pay and-" He couldn't say anything else before Arin smiled, running to hug him after she placed down her pie.

She wrapped her arms around his neck, giggling as their bodies collided, winding him slightly.

"It's amazing. Thank you, Zuko." She said gently. Zuko meekly smiled, pink coating his cheeks as he wrapped his arms around her. "And you did remember." She pulled back, looking at the rose in his hand. "You remembered my favorite flower." She grinned, a small blush reddening the tips of her ears and her cheeks.

"Yeah- You mentioned it a bit ago and I saw the flower and thought of you..." He bit the inside of his cheek as Arin looked at him through her lashes.

"That's so sweet of you. Who knew you could be a romantic." She cheesed, taking the flower as he handed it to her. She put the flower into her hair and pulled it back in a braid. "How does it look?"

"Beautiful." He said breathlessly, gulping as he looked at her, flowers blooming and sparkles surrounding her in his vision.

"Thank you... really." She gave a tight-lipped smile before looking back at the array of flowers. "Now I just need to find a place for all these flowers. Don't you need to head to work?" She questioned, looking back at Zuko.

"Oh, yeah. When will you come in?" He said snapping back down to earth.

"Right after I put all these in their spots. I'll see you there?" She asked and he nodded, a small smile on his lips. "Alrighty then." She said, looking back at the flowers. "Let's find places for you guys." She said, talking to the flowers. Zuko breathily chuckled, sparing her one last glance before he left.

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