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IT HAD BEEN A WEEK and a half. Arin had gotten so used to being with Zuko and Iroh, that she had honestly forgotten she was a captive. She had honestly loved spending time with Iroh, her morals and his matched up so well it was honestly like talking to a wise Monk whenever she spoke to him. Zuko, on the other hand, was irritable, entitled, and grouchy.

Arin, not so mad or annoyed about being captive anymore, tried to get him to lighten up with her normally bright personality, but he didn't cave. He was always angry, in turn saying rude things to her, causing her to spazz out and get angry at him too. Being so one with nature, away from constant danger had made her more calm and collected, her angry streaks running out quickly.

She meditated often, washed up regularly, and since she didn't need meat for sustenance, ate berries and plants that wouldn't kill her off the bat. She was honestly kind of happy, the only glum thoughts that plagued her mind being of her friends and younger brother. She hoped they were safe and doing well off without her there.

With her being the oldest, she looked out for all of them, that job fell onto Sokka now, and while he was annoying and immature sometimes, she knew he had enough sense to keep them all safe. They were most likely going through something crazy dangerous at every turn, but something told her they were fine. Whether it was the knowledge that Aang was the Avatar and Katara a water-bending Master or the fact they had Sokka in charge, she didn't know.

She just knew that they were perfectly fine.

Arin had been sitting on the ground next to Iroh who had been asking people for money, his hat upside down in his lap.

"Spare coins for weary travelers?" He asked a man who only tossed three coins into his hat.

"This is humiliating. We're royalty. These people should be giving us whatever we want." Zuko crossed his arms, looking away from Iroh.

"They will if you ask nicely." Iroh smiled. A woman came towards them and he asked the same question he had all day, "Spare change for a hungry old man?" The woman laughed slightly.

"Aw, here you go." She dropped a single coin in his hat.

"The coin is appreciated, but not as much as your smile." Iroh flirted and the woman giggled, continuing walking. Another man neared them, putting a hand on his hip.

"How about some entertainment in exchange for... a gold piece?" He held up a gold coin.

"We're not performers," Zuko said annoyedly.

"Not professional, anyway." Iroh then stood up, beginning to sing a nice song about Ba Sing Se. Arin smiled and clapped a small beat to his singing.

"Come on, we're talking a gold piece here." The man took out his sword, raising both. "Let's see some action. Dance." He pulled the swords on Iroh who began to dance around the striking swords. The man's swords scraped the ground, forcing Iroh to move his feet. The man laughed loudly in amusement. "Nothing like a fat man dancing for his dinner. Here you go." He dropped the singular coin in front of Iroh who picked it up.

"Such a kind man." Iroh smiled and Arin scoffed.

"Kind? He just forced you to dance!" Suddenly, an idea dawned on Arin and she beamed. "I'll be back, you two." She stood up, running away to a place the two males had no idea of where.

She walked around the village, looking for flyers of an entertainment club, or anywhere that needed a sort of dancer. She hummed in delight as she found exactly what she was looking for, a flyer of a needed entertainer.

She ripped it off the wall, looking around for the shop that had the same name as plastered on the flyer. She found it quickly, running towards it and seeing a kind woman serving people.

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