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AFTER THE NIGHT at the fountain, Zuko and Arin had been nearly inseparable. Their dynamic didn't change much. Affection girl and shy, hot-headed boy. To the public eye, especially Iroh, they were still just friends. But alone... that was another story.

Like now, for example.

"Stop, Zuko. We have work!" Arin giggled as she ran her fingers through Zuko's hair. The boy in question kissed her jaw line up to her ear, his hands rubbing on her lower back.

"It can wait just a little longer, right?" He murmured and Arin sighed, looking down at the boy who looking at her through his eyelashes, his eyes doeing.

"Fine, but only a few minutes." Zuko smiled, standing up to his full height and kissing Arin, a smile on his face as he did.

This continued for nearly ten minutes before Arin pushed him off her, insisting they had to go to work now. The boy, begrudgingly, followed her to the tea shop as she dragged him by the hand.

They entered and got straight to work. Arin was at the register as Iroh poured the customers' tea, Zuko picking up used cups to take to the back to wash.

"So you're the genius behind this incredible brew." Arin looked up as a man in nice-looking robes pointed at Iroh, two men behind him. "The whole city is buzzing about you! I hope Pao pays you well."

"Good tea is its own reward." Iroh smiled.

"But it doesn't have to be the only reward. How would you like to own your own tea shop?" Iroh's eyes went wide.

"My own tea shop?! This is a dream come true." Pao, the owner slid over quickly.

"What's going on here? Are you trying to poach my tea maker?" He held a defensive hand in front of Iroh.

"Sorry, Pao, but that's business for you, am I right?" The man in nice robes laughed with a smirk.

"Mushi, if you stay, I'll make you assistant manager. Wait, senior assistant manager." He tried to one-up this man.

"I'll provide you with a new apartment in the upper ring. The tea shop is yours to do whatever you want, complete creative freedom." Wow, this was a good offer.

"I even get to name the shop?" Iroh questioned.

"Of course!" The man smiled.

"Uh, senior executive assistant manager?" Pao increased the rank only for Iroh to hand him the teapot. He bowed at the man in fine robes, accepting his offer. Arin jumped over the counter, walking towards Iroh to congratulate him.

"Did you hear, Nephew, Arin?" Iroh looked between Zuko and Arin. "This man wants to give us our own tea shop in the upper ring of the city."

"That's right, kids. Your life is about to change for the better." The man in fine robes told them.

"I'll try to contain my joy." Zuko put down a tray of cups, leaving the shop. Arin pursed her lips and turned to Iroh.

"I'm happy for you, Mushi. You deserve this." Arin gave Iroh a hug that he happily returned.

"My first order of business will be to make you my assistant manager! Don't tell Lee." He whispered jokingly and Arin laughed, looking back at the shop door. She excused herself and looked around for Zuko, not finding him in immediate sight she called out his name.

"Lee?" She said only for him to jump down in front of her from a place up high. "Woah, why were you up there?" She said, looking up at the roof he just jumped down from.

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