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"ARE YOU SURE ABOUT THIS?" Arin said nervously as she walked towards a house with Iroh where her brother and friends were supposedly staying.

"Yes. If we are to save Zuko, we need their help. It will all be fine." He reassured her as she pursed her lips. She nodded as to assure herself things were going to be fine. They stared at the door for a moment, Iroh reaching to knock. Once he did, a girl opened it. Toph.

"Glad to see you guys are okay." She said as she smiled.

"We need your help," Iroh said desperately. Aang and Sokka gasped in surprise, Arin coming from behind Iroh to reveal herself.

"Hey, guys." She sighed heavily. Momo chattered as he flew around Aang's head, the boy's eyebrows furrowing at the sight of his sister with Iroh.

"You guys know each other?" He said in reference to Toph knowing Arin and Iroh.

"I met them in the woods once and knocked him down. Then they gave me tea and some very good advice." Iroh scratched his nape with a meek smile.

"Can we come in?" Arin said nervously, looking from Toph to Sokka to Aang. Toph nodded and the two stepped inside the house.

"Princess Azula is here in Ba Sing Se." Iroh started.

"She must have Katara." Arin tensed at the thought that Azula not only took Zuko but Katara as well.

"She has captured my nephew, as well," Iroh told him.

"Then we'll work together to fight Azula, and save Katara and Zuko." Aang crossed his arms as determination painted his face. Arin's lips lifted to a small smile before Sokka stepped up.

"Woah, there. You lost me at, 'Zuko'." He pointed at Aang.

"I know how you must feel about my nephew. But believe me when I tell you there is good inside him." Iroh tried to defend the Prince as he put a hand on Sokka's shoulder.

"Good inside him isn't enough. Why don't you come back when it's outside him, too, okay?" Sokka pushed Iroh off him and Arin grabbed his forearm.

"Sokka, please. Katara, Zuko, and all of Ba Sing Se are in trouble." She tried to reason. Sokka furrowed his gaze at her as if she was crazy.

"Working together is our best chance," Aang added. Sokka looked at him for a moment before sighing.

"Mm..." He nodded.

"We brought someone who might be able to help us find them," Arin spoke walking to the door and heading outside. She walked towards the tied-up Dai Li agent and picked him up by his collar.
"Talk." She said harshly as she ripped off the fabric around his mouth, all except Iroh surprised.

"Azula and Long Feng are plotting a coup. They're going to overthrow the Earth King." He explained, sweat dripping down his face.

"What about the water bender and the Prince? Where are they keeping them?" Arin pushed, Sokka raising his machete to his face.

"In the crystal catacombs of old Ba Sing Se, deep beneath the palace." Arin dropped him, Toph pushing him back up with two tight slabs of rock before they ran away towards the castle.

As they arrived, hiding to the side of it, Toph bent down to the ground, placing her hand on the concrete.

"Well, what do ya know? There is an ancient city down there, but it's deep." Toph stood up and began to earth bend a pathway down to the catacombs.

"We should split up. Aang, you go with Iroh to look for Katara and the angry jerk, no offense." He looked to Iroh.

"None taken." Iroh shrugged.

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