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"THIS IS NOT VERY... COMFORTABLE." Arin said as she tugged on Katara's extra water tribe clothing that hugged her too closely for comfort.

"Yeah, it does look too tight." Katara hummed as she looked at Arin whose limbs looked like they were suffocating. "Do you think you'd fit more in Sokka's?"

"No." Arin deadpanned and Sokka jumped to offense.

"Why'd you say that so quickly?" He crossed his arms. "Are you calling me fat?"

"No, I said that because your clothes stink." Arin crossed her arms annoyedly. "Katara why don't I just take off my robe and leggings? It's just a normal dress once they're off." Katara pondered for a moment before nodding.

"Yeah, that'll work." The Airbender went to the other side of Appa and put her clothes back on her body, leaving out her robe and leggings. Now, she was just wearing her red dress with golden accents and her red slippers. Her hair was pulled into two French braids.

She joined the group back and saw her brother covered in Appa's fur on his head and under his nose.

"This is so itchy. How do you live in this stuff?" The boy asked the flying beast who snorted at him.

"Great! Now you look just like my grandfather." Sokka said sarcastically.

"Technically, Aang is 112 years old." Katara quipped with crossed arms and Arin sighed.

"That makes me 116." She deflated slightly at her "old" age. Katara put a comforting hand on her back and Aang kicked up his staff.

"Let's get to skipping, young whippersnappers! The big city awaits!" He hunched over and used the staff as a cane. The three older kids looked at him before looking at one another in confusion.

THEY EVENTUALLY MADE IT PAST Omashu's long stone path to the entrance, Aang used his people skills and incredible acting to get them inside the city with no issue. They were currently on the mail delivery system which Arin could deem the death delivery ride.

Aang had this idea only because of an old friend Arin and him in Omashu named Bumi. She hated this ride 100 years ago and she hated it now.

"I hate this stupid delivery system!" Arin yelled as they went from one part of the system and into the air sliding down a person's roof. They then crashed in the middle of a training session of the Omashu soldiers. Afterward, they crashed into a pumpkin cart and messed up the delivery system's flow before they crashed and landed on another slope of the system. Aang had, by Katara's request, used his air bending which only made them faster.

They crashed into another cart and went flying out of their own, Arin quickly using her air bending to put them all back in safely. They slid down another roof and broke a man's pottery vase, went out his window, and through another house. They fell off the balcony of that house and landed on top of a cabbage cart.

"My cabbages!" The man cried. "You're gonna pay for this!" Arin grumbled and tried to raise her tired head but plopped it back on Sokka's arm that she landed on. Omashu soldiers surrounded them.

"Two cabbages, please." Aang smiled nervously before the entire group was grabbed up by the soldiers. They had been dragged into Omashu's King's throne room and stood before him ashamedly.

"Hmm?" The King said upon looking at the Airbender kids.

"Your Majesty, these juveniles were arrested for vandalism, traveling under false pretenses, and malicious destruction of cabbages." A soldier said.

"Off with their heads! One for each head of cabbage!" Arin rolled her eyes at the crazy man before looking back at the king.

"Silence." The soldier told him. "Only the King can pass down judgment. What is your judgment, sire?"

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