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"THIS SHOULD GIVE US A GOOD IDEA OF WHAT'S AROUND HERE." Katara and the rest of the gang grouped around a pillar with flyers posted on it.

"See if you can find a menu." Sokka shook an empty snack bag over his mouth, not even crumbs falling out. "I'm starving."

"I bet we'll find something to eat here- The fire days festival." Aang pointed at the largest flyer.

"Fire Nation cultural exhibits, jugglers, benders, magicians, belly dancers..." Arin gazed at the flyer as she read from it.

"This would be a great place for me to study some real firebenders." Aang looked at Katara and Arin.

"You might wanna rethink that." Sokka said from the opposite side of the pillar. "Look at this." The peeked around.

"Hey, a poster of me!" Aang smiled and Arin looked at the poster of her and the one under it, a poster dedicated the "Blue spirit" a.k.a Zuko.

"These are wanted posters, Aang. This is bad." Aang tore off his flyer and Arin grabbed hers, ripping it up.

"I think we better keep moving." Katara suggested and Arin sighed.

"I have to learn fire bending at some point, and this could be my only chance to watch some masters up close." Aang told her and his sister spoke up.

"We could peek in for a little bit-"

"What?" Sokka looked to the oldest girl with surprise. "You want to walk into a Fire Nation town when they're all fired up with all their, you know, fire?"

"We can wear disguises. I have some Fire Nation clothes from when I used to visit a few years and you guys can throw on your cloaks. If we see anything close to trouble, we bolt." Arin began to walk away, her little brother and Katara behind her.

"Yeah, because we always leave before we get into trouble." Sokka grumbled as he followed them to the bison.

The gang, besides Arin, had been wearing long dark cloaks to disguise themselves. Arin, on the other hand, had been more exposed. She had been wearing a sleeveless cropped shirt with gold threading and a triangle hole above her chest. Black pants with open slits from her thighs to ankles, gold beads holding the slits together. A red cloth tied around her waist and flowing in front of her pants.

Her feet had been in black pointed shoes, gold lining on the edges. She had her hair down to try and cover her arrows running down her back, her thick long hair doing her justice in its half up half down style. She had black bracelets on her wrists with gold bangles running up her forearms. She had added a sheer black cloth covering her mouth and nose, only her eyes and upper face being exposed. She looked great, if she said so herself.

They had joined the festival, walking around observing their customs. Arin was ecstatic. Like Aang, she had many friends in the Fire Nation, more than he did, so she spent a lot of time enamored in the culture. She felt like she was back with her friends enjoying the summer festivals, except all her friends were dead.

The group had put on masks, except Arin, Katara wearing a woman's face, Sokka with a beaming smile and Aang with a sulking frown. Katara had switched them.

"Hey, theres some food." Aang pointed out and Arin gasped in joy.

"Finally." Sokka ran over, Arin not far behind. "What do you have?" He asked the vendor.

"Flaming fire flakes." He told him and Arin who stood in front of his stand. "Best in town." He held up a bag.

"Fire flakes!" Arin squealed as she grabbed the bag, handing the man a silver piece. She began eating them, Sokka taking handfuls from the bag. It was only a moment before Sokka's mouth erupted into a burning sensation.

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