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WHILE THEIR MAIN DESTINATION HAD BEEN THE NORTHERN WATER TRIBE, Aang had talked his sister into making pit stops. But this pit stop had been suggested by the oldest air-bending sibling herself.

The Southern Air Temple. That was their pit stop of the day. Arin had said that since they were going to stop there once they left the Southern Water Tribe, why not just go now? The others agreed and by early morning, they had arrived at the air acolyte temple.

"Wait till you see it, Katara. The Air Temple is one of the most beautiful places in the world." Aang said as he hopped around Appa's head, tying the reigns to his horns.

"Aang, I know you're excited, but it's been a hundred years. Since you and Arin have been home." Katara looked at the small boy.

"That's why I'm so excited!" He looked back at her with a wide grin.

"It's just that... a lot can change in all that time." She tried to reason.

"I know, but I need to see it for myself." Aang jumped off of Appa and walked over to Sokka who had been sleeping on the ground. "Wake up, Sokka." He said to the older boy. "Air Temple here we come!"

Sokka groaned and attempted to push himself up but crashed back down in exhaustion.

"Sleep now, temple later." He rolled over and began snoring. It seemed like the perfect moment as Arin walked in hearing what the boy a year younger than her said.

"Sokka, get up now." He groaned once more and the older girl crossed her arms in annoyance as she watched him snore. She stomped over and flicked her wrist up as she lifted Sokka, a mini tornado holding him in the air at her eye level.

Sokka screamed as he seemed to defy gravity. Arin raised an eyebrow at Sokka who shot his eyes open and stared at the girl.

"Fine! Fine! I'll get up. Just... put me down." He said nervously and the girl let a small smile grace her lips as she let Sokka crash onto the ground with a thud.

"Great! He's awake. Let's go." Aang said as he peeked his head from behind his proud sister and Sokka grumbled about "stupid air benders" as he shimmied out his sleeping bag.

THEY WERE SOON IN THE AIR, Katara sitting next to Aang on Appa's head as Sokka and Arin sat on the saddle. Sokka's stomach soon grumbled and he made an annoyed face as he held it.

"Hey, stomach, be quiet, all right? I'm trying to find us some food." The boy with the mohawk hair-do shuffled through the bags in the saddle before shaking what seemed to be crumbs out of a tan one.

"Hey! Who ate all my blubbered seal jerky?" Sokka looked around at the kids surrounding him.

"Wasn't me. Air acolytes are vegetarians." Arin shrugged as she crossed her arms and closed her eyes.

"Oh, that was food? I used it to start the campfire last night." Aang looked at the older boy with a nervous smile. "Sorry."

"You what? Aww..." Sokka's head fell glumly. "No wonder the flames smelled so good." He pouted and Arin chuckled.

"What are you laughing at? You eat leaves for protein." Sokka rolled his eyes sassily.

"And I'm still in better shape than you are." She teased as she stuck her tongue out. Being more familiar with the water tribe siblings and getting comfortable with them has allowed the girl to peek out her real personality. She doesn't have to be on her toes all the time around them and it felt nice to finally relax once in a while.

"The Patola mountain range! We're almost there!" Aang said and his sister turned around from her stop on the saddle and watched as they came up on the Air Temple.

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