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"LOOK!" KATARA YELLED AS SHE STOOD UP. She pointed at a fish that jumped out of the water repeatedly as the four kids sat around in a circle.

"He is taunting us." Sokka squinted and grumbled. "You are so gonna be dinner." Solka ran to the tent and grabbed a fishing pole before running into the water, attempting to catch the fish. "Hey, where's the fishing line?" He said as he realized their fishing pole had no line.

"Oh, I didn't think you would need it, Sokka," Aang said as he held up a cute necklace with a pink flower in the middle.

"Ah, it's all tangled." Sokka groaned at the boy.

"Not tangled, woven." Aang jumped up using his air bending. "I made you a necklace, Katara. I thought since you lost your other one..." He smiled big and held the necklace up. The tan girl broke into a grin as she walked over.

"Thanks, Aang. I love it."

"Great, Aang. Maybe instead of saving the world, you can go into the jewelry-making business." Sokka said sarcastically.

"I don't see why I can't do both." The airbender shrugged. Sokka noticed the fish jumping out of the water again and threw the pole at it yelling for it to "stop taunting him"

"So, how do I look?" Katara drew the Avatar's attention to her as he broke into a blushing fit.

"You mean... all of you or just your neck? I mean, because they both look great." Aang nervously rubbed his head with a wide smile.

"Smoochie smoochie. Someone's in love," Sokka made kissy faces to the fish and smiled, "Right, Arin?" He asked the older girl who had yet to say anything. "Arin?" He noticed her blank expression and in the moment of distraction, the fish jumped out his arms and slapped him causing him to fall into the water.

"Stop teasing him, Sokka." Katara criticized her brother. "Aang's just a good friend, a sweet little guy, just like Momo."

"Yikes," Arin said quietly as she stood up. Her hands were now bandaged as the burns from her and Aang's escapades at the Fire Nation prison healed. Her shoulder bandaged as well as it scarred over.

"Thanks," Aang mumbled as Katara petted Momo who was on his shoulder. A growling sound drew the group's attention and Aang ran towards it, following Momo who also went to the sound.

"Someone's being attacked by a platypus bear!" The rest of the group ran over to see the commotion and saw that a man was indeed being attacked by a platypus bear, but he wasn't getting hurt at all. He kept dodging the bear's attacks.

"Well, hello there." The man said to Aang who ran closer. "Nice day, isn't it?"

"Make noise! He'll run off!" Aang tried to help.

"No, play dead! He'll lose interest!" Sokka said as he got closer as well.

"Whoa, close one." The man laughed. He wasn't taking this seriously at all.

"Run downhill, then climb a tree!" Katara suggested.

"No, punch him in the bill!"

"And then run in zig-zags," Aang added to Sokka's command. Arin rolled her eyes, this was utterly ridiculous. The man was not in any danger, that much was clear. Arin whistled for their bison amid their yelling.

"No need. It's going to be fine." The man crouched and the bear missed his attack, striking the tree behind him. Aang jumped into the fight and used air bending to stop the platypus beast.

"Whoa, there." The bear growled only to be frightened by Appa who came behind the beast. The bison successfully scared it and the platypus bear laid an egg before leaving. The group ran over, Sokka picking up the egg.

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