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AFTER KATARA'S FIGHT WITH PAKKU, HE AGREED TO TRAIN HER. They had been living in the Northern Tribe for about two weeks or so now. Training with Aang and Katara had been going amazing, Sokka had been meeting with Yue in secret, and Arin was doing her own thing.

That thing is going on small hangouts or "dates" for Khan. She kind of liked him. He was sweet and funny, and kind of awkward. They had gone to a library and it turned out Khan was a non-bender who just enjoyed teaching kids things like reading and the history of their tribe. Arin thought it was sweet and sat in on a few of his classes before they went to hang out.

She was so relaxed and calm. Khan was sweet and gave her a bundle of vegetables every day, knowing she didn't eat meat and flowers didn't exactly grow in the snow. She was enjoying living here, the cold weather being the only downside.

She was currently sitting in a restaurant with Khan on the other side of the table. He had ordered her vegetable soup and he was eating an egg salad, opting to not eat meat in front of Arin.

"So, how do you like the North so far?"

"It's nice. Very handsome guys." She smiled at Khan who blushed and rubbed his nape.

"Wait- You mean me, right?" Arin smiled and placed a hand on his.

"Yes, I mean you."

"Oh, okay, good! I think you're really beautiful, too!" His expression fell. "So, do you know when you guys are leaving? I kind of don't want to say goodbye." Arin's smile fell as well and she retracted her hand.

"My brother isn't that quick a learner at water bending, but he's still pretty quick. I'd say a week give or take and then we're leaving for Omashu." Arin droned as she ate her soup.

"A week?!" Khan shrieked.

"Yeah- I mean, I couldn't stay in the North forever. He's my brother I have to make sure he's safe." Khan played with his sandwich as his eyes glanced up at Arin who licked the soup off her lips.

"What if you came back after? After the war, you came back and- I don't know... Stayed with me?" He padded his thumbs together and Arin choked on her soup. She began spluttering and Khan went to pat her back, aiding her.

"Stay? With you?" She continued coughing and Khan bit his lip nervously.

"You don't have to! It was just a suggestion. I mean, like... I like you, Arin. These two weeks have been amazing and I don't want to end this so soon." He kept his hand on her back and she put a hand over his arm.

"Khan, you're sweet, you are. But I can't have a relationship right now. I have things I need to put 100% of my focus on." Khan shrunk and Arin smiled tinily. "But I like you, too." She placed a kiss on his cheek and his face erupted in red. "Let's make the most of my week left here, yeah?" Khan thought for a moment before smiling.

KHAN AND ARIN HAD BEEN SITTING TOGETHER ON A CANOE BEFORE SHE LOOKED AT THE SKY. Dark specs of ash fell onto her outstretched palm. She rubbed it between her fingers and smelled it.

"Soot. Fire Nation." She grimaced and turned to Khan. "I have to find my brother and my friends." Khan nodded and stopped the boat close to the ground. "I'll see you later." She smiled at him, the expression riddled with worry before she leaped off the boat, hurriedly making her way to the Chief's throne room.

He was in the middle of giving a speech.

"The day we have feared for so long has arrived- the fire nation is on our doorstep." She found Katara, Aang, and Sokka and grouped with them. "It is with great sadness I call my family here before me, knowing well that some of these faces are about to vanish from our tribe... they will never vanish from our hearts. Now, as we approach the battle for our existence, I call upon the great spirits... the spirit of the ocean, spirit of the moon, be with us! I'm going to need volunteers for a dangerous mission."

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