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"ZUKO, MAYBE WE SHOULD STOP..." Arin suggested as she looked at Iroh groaning behind Zuko on their ostrich horse. The older man didn't feel well, opting to ride with his nephew while Arin took the other animal companion.

"Yeah- let's make a camp." Zuko nodded as they both turned to look at Iroh.

"No, please, don't stop just for me." The man refused, the two teens looking at one another, unsteady. Iroh continued to moan and groan, Zuko's patience running thin as he stopped his ostrich horse, Arin stopping hers beside him. Zuko jumped off the animal, and Iroh as well as he went to sit on a rock stump.

Arin turned her head at the same time the ostrich horses hummed, turning their heads in the same direction. Zuko got into a fighting stance, Arin jumping off her animal as she stood to attention.

"What now?" Iroh sighed, holding his shoulder.

They saw several Fire Nation soldiers nearing them on giant rhinos.

"Colonel Mongke, what a pleasant surprise." Iroh smiled as he stood up straight.

"If you're surprised we're here, then the Dragon of the West has lost a few steps." The man clashed his armored bracelets, the other soldiers readying their weapons.

"You know these punks?" Arin questioned to older man who only smirked.

"Sure, Colonel Mongke and the rough rhinos are legendary. Each one is a different kind of weapon specialist. They are also a very capable singing group." Iroh explained, Colonel Mongke not being amused.

"We're not here to give a concert! We're here to apprehend fugitives."

"Would you like some tea first?" Iroh rubbed his shoulder, his grin unwavering. "I'd love some. How bout you, Kachi? I make you as a Jasmine man. Am I right?"

"Enough stalling, round 'em up!" The men started their attack, Iroh kicking a ball and chain away from him to wrap around a rhino's leg. Iroh rolled under the flames being shot at him, hitting a rhino with the wrapped leg in the back, forcing it forward as he dragged the ball and chain user with it.

The bow and arrow user sent a flaming arrow at Zuko while his back was turned, the boy reading the wind pattern and turning around, snapping it in half.

"Very good, Zuko." Arin praised, the boy smirking as he sent a pellet of fire at the man, puncturing a hole in his bow. Colonel Mongke's rhino stepped forward as the man conjured fire in his fist. He sent more and more flames, Arin noticing how Iroh was grunting in pain before she jumped in front of him, extinguishing the flame before sending a large gust of wind through her slicing hands to the Colonel. It knocked him back, giving Zuko time to jump on the rhino's back and kick Colonel Mongke off the animal.

Iroh mounted his ostrich horse, Arin jumping onto hers as she ran to Iroh and Zuko, the latter now on Iroh's ostrich horse.

"Too bad we didn't get that concert. I was looking forward to a little entertainment." Arin smirked as she stood on top of her ostrich horse, her body balancing perfectly as she stared down the single fire soldier following them. He threw a bomb at them and Arin spun her upper body around as she made a giant air pocket, the bomb exploding around them, completely un-harming.

She cleared the smoke in front of them, settling down on her animal once more as they continued to ride away.

"It's nice to see old friends," Iroh smirked as they left the soldiers in the dust.

"Too bad you don't have any old friends that don't want to attack you." This made Iroh think, the teens looking at him as he hummed.

"Old friends that don't want to attack me?"

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