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THEY WERE AWARE THE FIRE NATION HAD TO BE NEARBY. They had encountered Fire Nation steel traps that had previously trapped their companion Momo. Sokka had the genius idea to walk on foot to not attract attention by flying on Appa. He said that his instincts said to play safe and walk.

"Who made you the boss?" Katara questioned her brother.

"I'm not the boss, I'm the leader." He pointed to himself.

"The leader?" Arin scoffed and Katara began to laugh.

"Your voice still cracks." She put her hands on her hips.

"I'm the oldest, and I'm a warrior! So I'm the leader." Sokka deepened his voice to try and prove Katara wrong.

"If anyone's the leader, it's Aang." Katara pulled the boy into the conversation. "I mean, he is the Avatar."

"Are you kidding? He's just a goofy kid." Sokka glanced at Aang who was hanging upside from Appa's horn.

"He's right. But you're both also wrong." He flipped back onto his feet. "Arin's the oldest." Sokka's jaw dropped as he looked at Arin who was tying up her hair into two buns. "Plus, she's the one who taught me air bending. If anyone should be the leader, it's her."

"You? The oldest?" Sokka spoke in disbelief at the shorter girl.

"She's almost seventeen!" Aang said from his new spot beside his sister who hadn't said anything about wanting a leadership role in the first place.

"Even better! Why do boys always think someone has to be the leader?" Katara crossed her arms. "I bet you wouldn't be so bossy if you kissed a girl."

"I've kissed a girl!" He defended. "You just haven't met her."

"Who? Gran-Gran? I've met Gran-Gran."

"Nope, definitely wasn't Gran-Gran." Arin smiled teasingly at Sokka whose face turned slightly pink. He knew she knew.

"Look-" He changed the subject. "My instincts tell me we have a better chance of slipping through on foot, and a leader has to trust his instincts. Plus, Arin agrees with me, right?" He looked towards the girl who shrugged.

"We can try your way, leader."

"Who knows? Walking might be fun." Aang tried to be optimistic but it was soon dejected after walking for nearly 10 minutes. "Walking stinks! How do people go anywhere without a flying bison?" The four teens carried their luggage on their backs as they trotted through the forest.

"I don't know, Aang. Why don't you ask Sokka's instincts?" Katara teased "They seem to know everything."

"Ha ha, very funny." Sokka rolled his eyes.

"I'm tired of carrying this pack," Aang complained once more.

"You know who you should ask to carry it for a while? Sokka's instincts!" They both looked at the older boy.

"That's a great idea. Hey, Sokka's instincts, would you mind-"

"Okay, okay, I get it! Look, guys, I'm tired too. But the important thing is that we're say from the Fire Nation." The universe had a funny way of being ironic at the worst times because just then, they walked into a Fire Nation camp. "Run!" Sokka yelled as they dropped their belongings and split.

Firebenders began to run at them and attack, blocking their exit.

"We're cut off!" Sokka said before Aang warned him about his shirt being on fire.

"Did your instincts not tell you about that?" Arin blew it out with subtle air bending. The Fire Nation soldiers came closer to them and closed in on them.

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