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THEY WERE TRAVELING through swampy, polluted water. Sokka was attempting to fish in it, obviously to no avail, and Aang was diving beneath the water, playing with Momo. 

Aang rose from the "water" all gunked up and grossed out.

"Hey, guys, I think the river's polluted." Aang tried to use air bending to rid himself of the murky mud, dirtying everyone else but Arin who wrapped herself in a bubble, avoiding the muck.

"You think?" She sassed, using air bending to blow the mud off everyone else.

"Well, that explains why I can't catch a fish around here. Because normally my fishing skills are... off the hook." He held up the muddy hook and Arin cringed.

"So are the fish." She murmured to Katara who nodded.

"Get it, like a fishing hook?" He tried to explain the joke.

"Too bad your skills aren't on the hook." Toph joked and everyone laughed. Sokka pouted that nobody laughed at his joke and sunk back into his seat.

"It looks like we'll need to go somewhere else to get food. Assuming that'll fit into Sokka's master schedule." Katara said as Sokka unraveled his plan paper.

"Hm... it's doable. But that means only two potty breaks today." He told everyone, holding up the number two in his hand.

"Hey, maybe we can get food there." Aang pointed and they all turned to a far civilization. They all agreed and neared it, hopping off Appa, and covering him with a blanket of grass. "Now you look just like a little hill with horns." Aang joked with the bison. "Bye, buddy." Appa snorted and Momo tucked under his own grads blanket as the gang walked off to the town.

"I don't feel anything. Where's this village?" Toph asked.

"It's in the middle of the river." Sokka pointed and a man from below them drew their attention.

"Sure is. My name's Dock. Mind if I ask who you are?" He shaded his eyes to get a better look.

"We're um, from the Earth Kingdom Colonies." Katara lied.

"Wow, colonials. Hop on, I'll give you a ride into town." They all slid down the small cliff and boarded Dock's raft.

"Why do you guys live on the river?" Katara asked. Dock swung his paddle stick over their heads to switch sides, muck splashing around them.

"Because we're a fishing town. At least that's how it was before the factory moved in." They looked over to a faraway factory, black smoke coming from it. "Army makes their metal there. Moved in a few years ago and started gunking up our river. Now our little village is struggling to survive." The gang looked at one another, sympathetic to this man and his village.

Once they docked, they thanked Dock for the ride and began to explore the town, looking for some food stand.

"Look at this place..." Arin murmured as she viewed the skinny people, obviously hungry and sad. There was barely any life. It was like a ghost town that still had people in it. "It's so glum and sad."

"We have to do something to help," Katara said.

"No, we can't waste our time here." Sokka slid in, rejecting her idea. "We have a bigger mission that we need to stay focused on. These people are on their own." He refused, Arin and Katara scowling at him.

"They're starving, Sokka. How can you just turn your back on them?" The oldest girl put a hand on his shoulder.

"How can you be so cold and heartless?" Katara added with her hands on her hips.

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