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IROH, ARIN, AND ZUKO finally moved into the new apartment in the upper ring. Zuko had awoke from his sickly, bedridden days and was feeling better. Over those few days, Arin had carefully watched over him. She had been worried sick at the fact that her boyfriend fell ill after doing a good deed, but she watched him nonetheless.

Iroh had awoken early morning and was mixing a large pot of jook on the stove, Zuko walking in asking what the smell was.

"It's Jook. I'm sure you wouldn't like it." Iroh assured, moving to the side as Zuko came over to smell it.

"Actually, it smells delicious. I'd love a bowl, Uncle." He said, shocking the man. Zuko held up a bowl with a smile and Iroh looked at him suspiciously.

"Now that your fever is gone, you seem different somehow," Iroh said as he mixed the jook, taking spoonfuls to put into Zuko's bowl.

"It's a new day. We've got a new apartment, new furniture, and today's the grand opening of your new tea shop." Zuko say down at the table, looking out the window. "Things are looking up, Uncle." He sipped the jook and Iroh looked at him in surprise before settling on a smile.

"Good morning, boys!" Arin said enthusiastically, coming from her own bedroom with freshly brushed hair and a pep in her step from a good night's sleep. "How's everyone's morning going so far?" Zuko and Iroh looked at her.

"Arin, good morning. You look beautiful." Zuko sipped his jook again.

"Good morning and thank you, sweet face. Is that jook I smell? May I have a bowl?" She said, walking towards Iroh who filled a bowl for her. She thanked him and went to sit down next to Zuko. "So, how do you feel?" She said in reference to his passing sickness.

"Honestly, I feel great." Arin rose a brow.

"Really? Normally after I get sick I feel so tired and slack. You're one lucky turtle duck." She sipped her jook.

"I guess you taking care of me so well made it all better." He said, Arin cringing back at how corny he was being.

"Ew, you're so sweet it's giving me cavities." She laughed as she placed her bowl down. "But don't worry me like that ever again, you hear me?" She leaned on the table and Zuko rolled his eyes in amusement.

"I'll try not to." He said sarcastically and Arin gave a side smile, sipping at her food once more.

AFTER SETTING UP the tea shop, decorating it, and putting away supplies all morning, they finally opened the Jasmine Dragon. Iroh had used the name she suggested, pride swelled in her chest as he wrote it down on the file.

It was quickly populated, and people were eager to try the new shop in the city. However, some people had already heard about it from the buzz of the lower ring. That was how they got their popularity in the first place.

"Who thought when we came to this city as refugees, that I'd end up owning my own tea shop?" Iroh asked as he watched people enter the shop. "Follow your passion, Zuko, and life will reward you." At this, Zuko reached his hand to grab Arin's. The girl startled slightly but smiled at him.

"Congratulations, Uncle." He smiled.

"I'm so happy for you, Iroh." Arin leaned over and grinned at him.

"I'm very thankful," Iroh said humbly, grinning ear to ear as he watched customers happily and enjoyably sip their tea.

"You deserve it. The Jasmine Dragon will be the best tea shop in the city." Zuko praised him, an optimistic and proud look on his face.

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