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AANG HAD TO MASTER THE FOUR ELEMENTS BY THE NEXT SUMMER. He was beyond stressed because he hadn't learned a single bit of water bending while still being weeks away from the North Pole. Katara had volunteered to help him learn what she knew and that led them to their current situation.

"Nice puddle." Sokka said dryly, even though he was the one who suggested they find a puddle to "splash in." That puddle was a waterfall with a large lake at the bottom of it. While Aang and Katara practiced water bending, Sokka was in charge of grooming their flying bison companion.

Arin had opted for relaxing a bit as she wore her red dress without her air acolyte robe and leggings. She sat in the water, letting it wash through her hair as she watched Sokka, entertained.

He was grumbling at Appa, begrudgingly cleaning between his lineup of toes. She was giggling at his annoyed expression before a giant wave crashed over her, Appa, and Sokka.

"Aang!" Sokka yelled as he was waterboarded. He and Arin were washed away a little bit and rose from under the water, a sea plant on top of the airbender's head as she looked at her brother annoyedly.

"Looks like I got the hang of that move. What else you got?" Aang looked to Katars who had a look mirroring the oldest teens.

"That's enough practicing for today." She said.

"Yeah, I'll say! You just practiced our supplies down the river." Aang apologized and said there had to be a way to replace it. "My life was hard enough when you were just an airbender."

"Imagining being his sister." She and Sokka shared unamused expressions and sunk back into the water.

THEY WENT INTO A NEARBY TOWN TO LOOK FOR MORE SUPPLIES. The citizens did not look very friendly, and the older kids looked around skeptically, Aang with an awestruck look.

They stopped by a bathroom and Sokka stepped out saying they only had three copper pieces left from what King Bumi gave them. They had to spend it wisely.

"Make that two copper pieces, Sokka. I couldn't say no to this whistle." A whistle that doesn't even work. Arin took in a deep breath and stepped to her brother.

"Give me the money. Now." She glowered at him and he quickly gave her the money from his pocket.

They began walking through the market town, looking for anything they might need, and could afford, when a man ran over to them.

"I can see from your clothing that you're world-traveling types." They continued to walk past him. "Perhaps I can interest you in some exotic curios?" Aang backtracked and looked at the man.

"Sure! What are curios?" The man blinked at him.

"I'm not entirely sure, but we got 'em!" He put a hand around Aang and led him to his boat. Arin groaned and followed them, the Water Tribe siblings not far behind.

They looked around the boat filled with strange items. A man came from the shadows, asking Aang if he was interested in trading Momo.

Arin ignored the man and looked at a scroll collection, a specific one catching her eye.

"Hey, Katara. Come check this out." The girl came over as Arin opened the scroll. "A water-bending scroll." She looked at it and Katara ushered the airbender boy over.

"Where did you get a water-bending scroll?" The pirate snatched it from Arin's hands carefully.

"Let's just say I got it up north. At the most reasonable price-" He rolled it up, "Free." He put the scroll back in its place and Katara looked at him oddly.

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