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"OH MY SPIRITS! What do you want?!" Arin sat up whisper shouting at Zuko who had been calling her name quietly, trying not to wake Iroh.

"I'm- I'm ready to learn your air-bending move." He said embarrassedly, turning his head away as a shy blush passed over his face.

"You couldn't wait until I woke up?" She said annoyedly, looking at Zuko with an unamused face.

"It's almost sunrise."

"It's not even sunrise yet?!" She let her eye twitch and Zuko avoided her gaze. "Could you not sleep last night or something?"

"No..." The two teens paused, Arin blinked at him incredulously before sighing.

"Fine. I'm going down to the river to wash up, we can practice down there." Zuko nodded, pursing his lips as Arin stood up, stretching her body as multiple cracks were heard. He cringed quickly.

"Does that not hurt?"

"What?" She asked rolling her neck.

"All those bones cracking... does it not hurt you?" He repeated as she began to swing her arms around, her shoulders making small crack noises.

"Not really. It's just air in my joints." She shrugged. "Let's go." She motioned him as they snuck out of the house, leaving Iroh to snore as he slept.

"So, what move are you gonna teach me?" He asked as they drew nearer to the river.

"Can I wash up first before you decide to harass me with questions?" She raised an eyebrow as she looked behind her at Zuko.

"You wash up every day! I doubt you even smell bad." He groaned.

"I am a girl, Zuko. Although I am surrounded by men and your manly smells, I prefer to not smell like dirt and BO all day, every day." She snapped, rolling her eyes at Zuko who flinched back at her sudden clap back. "And I like to wash up, it makes me feel as clean as someone can be without a real bath." They reached the river shortly, Arin tugging off her robes and dress, Zuko turning away quickly.

"Do you have to undress right in front of me?" He said, covering his face from her near-naked body.

"Apologies, my Prince. I'll be sure to wash up fully clothed next time." Arin mocked, diving in the water with a splash. Zuko turned back at the sound, water quickly splashing in the face before he had time to react. He blinked his eyes open, storming to the water annoyedly.

"Why did you do that?" He put hands on his hips and Arin leaned over the ground on her arms, looking at him.

"What? Fire Prince scared of a little water?" She teased and Zuko scowled at her.


"Then I guess you won't have any problem if I did-" She jumped up, grabbing his wrists, "This!" She laughed loudly as Zuko was tugged into the water, falling into the river next to her. The Fire Prince gritted his teeth, splashing water at her childishly. She squealed and moved away, diving under the water, reaching for his legs to pull him under.

Zuko let out a sharp yelp as he was tugged under the water, quickly holding his breath. Arin came up over the water to laugh once more, Zuko pushing her off him as she held him down.

"Are you trying to kill me?!" He yelled angrily only to stop as he saw Arin laughing loudly, her mouth in a huge grin. He paused to stare at her, lowly smiling to himself as her laughter died out.

"Come on, Zuko. Have a little fun." She sighed in amusement and Zuko pursed his lips. They were straying from the reason he woke her up in the first place.

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