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YESTERDAY, they boarded the train into Ba Sing Se and now they were living in a small apartment in the lower ring. Arin and Zuko were repulsed by the putrid smell of the streets, and Iroh chose to see the beauty in it.

The three had been in the market, looking for things to make their new home more lively. Iroh was carrying a beautiful pot with orange lilies, and Arin carrying two smaller pots of succulent plants.

The two walked beside Zuko, the boy side-eyeing the plants in their hands.

"I just wanted our new place to look nice in case someone brings home a lady friend." Iroh winked and nudged Zuko, Arin smiling at the gesture unbeknownst to Zuko's subtle glance at her.

"This city is a prison. I don't want to make a life here." Zuko said stubbornly.

"Life happens wherever you are, whether you make it or not. Now come on, I found some new jobs, and we start this afternoon." Zuko groaned and looked at Arin.

"Don't look at me- I'm all for this hands-on work. I'll get some first-hand job experience!" She cheesed, Zuko sighing at the fact she was just as excited about their new living situation as his uncle. "Come on, Princey, live a little. Remember what we talked about? Living in the moment?" She reminded and Zuko scrunched his nose in annoyance, giving her an unamused look as she laughed.

They stopped by their new apartment, placing three pots down before heading over to the job that Iroh arranged for them. It was a tea shop.

"Well, you certainly look like official tea servers." The owner told them as they slipped on their aprons, Iroh struggling to put his on, his stomach preventing him from tying it. "How do you feel?" He asked.

"Ridiculous." Zuko spat and Arin pinched his side sneakily, a smile still on her face as Zuko cringed his stomach in.

"Uh, does this possibly come in a larger size?" Iroh asked as he continued to struggle.

"I have extra string in the back. Have some tea while you wait." The man poured them hot cups of tea, handing the ceramics to the three before walking to the back. Iroh and Arin sipped it quickly, spitting it out just as fast.

"Why does everyone in this city not know how to make tea properly?!" She spat out, blowing raspberries to get the taste off her tongue.

"This tea is nothing more than hot leaf juice!" Iroh looked in the cup disgusted.

"Uncle, that's what all tea is," Zuko stated exasperatedly, Arin looking at him as if he grew two heads.

"How could a member of my own family say something so horrible?" Iroh furrowed his eyebrows before walling to the teapot. "We'll have to make some major changes around here." Iroh went to the window, throwing the tea outside. Arin swore she saw something move as she watched him walk back, staring at the window for an extra moment.

"Arin?" Zuko said, turning to the window as well. "Do you see something?"

"Huh? Oh, no. Guess not." She shrugged, turning back to him before looking down at her attire. "I miss my shawl. My arms feel so naked." She frowned before getting an idea. She tugged off her apron, forcing Zuko to hold it as she pulled her shawl back, tugging it over her shoulders and letting it fall back, tying the ends around her front, throwing her apron back on over it. "This is so much better." She flapped her arms around.

"It doesn't make that big of a change." Zuko deadpanned, scanning over her new attire adjustment.

"It doesn't need to. I just feel more comfortable with my air robes on." She spun, her hair whisking with her and Zuko smiled a bit as he watched her smile.

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