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ARIN, who had excused herself from the group to go wash up in a nearby water stream in private, had been calmly washing her hair. She was quiet and peaceful until a rumble caused her to fall over. She grumbled and stood up until it happened again.

She scoffed, picked up her clothes, and marched towards the sound, ending up at the top of a small dried-up ravine. She saw an Earth Bender at the bottom moving around a rock and smashing it into the ravine edges.

Arin, who was now curious, called out to him.

"Hey, there!" Arin said as she jumped down to him, not taking notice that she was still in her undergarments. An orange fabric around her breasts and her leggings.

The Earth bender panicked and began running away. "Uh, okay..." She flinched back a little as he pulled rocks from the edges of the ravine to cover his path.

"Nice to meet you!" She heard a familiar voice call from behind her. She turned to see Katara, Sokka, and her little brother walking up.

"Who was he?" Katara asked Arin who shrugged.

"Don't know. I was just tryna be friendly."

"Hey, that guy's gotta be running somewhere. Maybe we're near a village. And I bet that village has a market." Aang said hopefully.

"Which means no nuts for dinner!" Katara smiled as she clasped her hands together.

"Nuts?" Arin looked to Sokka who grumbled.

"I worked hard for those nuts." He crossed his arms and followed the group. Arin smiled and used her air bending to dry her hair. She and Sokka followed behind the two younger kids into a village.

They looked around and Aang saw a hat he liked. Katara and Arin looked around for the earthbender they saw in the forest as Sokka lagged.

Katara seemed to have spotted him as she grabbed Arin's arm and tugged her into a small shop.

"Hey, you're that kid." Katara smiled and the boy turned around and gasped.

"Why'd you run when I saw you?" Arin stepped next to Katara in the shop and the boy shied away.

"You must have me confused with some other kid." He claimed.

"No, they don't. We saw you earth bending." Aang said as he entered in front of Sokka. The boy and the older lady behind him gasped before running to slam the door and close the window shutters.

"They saw you doing what?" The lady asked the boy.

"They're crazy mom. I mean, look at how they're dressed." The group looked over their attire. Katara and Sokka are in water tribe clothes and Aang and Arin are in their air acolyte robes. Aang is the only one with out-of-the-ordinary attire with his hat.

"You know how dangerous that is." The lady, the boy's mom, reminded him. "You know what would happen if they caught you earth-bending." She scolded.

"Open up!" A man on the opposite side of the door yelled as he banged on the door. Sokka looked through the shutters sneakily and alerted everyone it was Fire Nation and to act natural.

The lady opened the door to the soldiers who observed the room. Arin and the boy were fake discussing a product, Sokka looking at an orange, Katara eating some berries, and Aang smiling leaning on a barrel he soon fell into.

"What do you want? I've already paid you this week." The lady asked the soldier.

"The tax just doubled. We wouldn't want an accident, would we?" He warned the lady and Arin furrowed her eyebrows at him. "Fire is sometimes so hard to control." The lady, seemingly having no other choice, went to the register and pulled out a box.

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