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IT HAD BEEN FOUR MORE DAYS. Arin and Iroh working more and more on her connection to the surrounding energies and her overall storm bending.

Arin had always been a quick learner and after she got the hang of lightning generation, it seemed storm bending was no exception. She was getting stronger and stronger every day she and Iroh meditated, practicing and honing her skills. She was by no means a master, only having learned it last week, but she was getting there.

"Iroh, I think that since I've learned new skills, maybe I should change up my appearance. I'm a new person now!" Arin laughed happily as she had just previously started a thunderstorm that was slowly disappearing from the sky.

Iroh, soaked in the water blinked slightly unamused as he took in a deep breath, quickly evaporating the liquid.

"If you think that this new addition to your identity is deserving of a switch do it by all means." He checked over himself for any lingering water particles.

"But what should I change?" Arin thought aloud. She looked at herself, she couldn't change her clothes, they were the last real piece of her culture. She went deep into thought, her hand traveling to her hair as she rubbed it over, combing through it with her fingers. "What to change, what to change." Slowly, it dawned on her.

Safe to say, her hair did change that day. Arin had cut herself a few wispy bangs. She didn't want thick ones, in case they ended up covering her arrow. She just wanted something cute that would change her appearance enough to her satisfaction. It did.

So now, she and Iroh were traveling on foot, the girl's hair brought back into a bun as hair strands fell to frame her face, her bangs over her forehead. Iroh lent her his hair tie, keeping her hair up.

It wasn't silent between them, minimal conversation here and there until Arin felt something nearing them, an odd pattern in the wind. She put a hand in front of Iroh as she guided him carefully behind a rock. They were being cautious until an unnatural rock pattern struck up from the ground, Arin jumped up, onto the rock in front of them as she viewed a small girl.

She tilted her head in confusion before hearing Iroh groan in pain, the rock had hit him in the rear.

"Iroh!" She jumped down, aiding the man upright.

"That really hurt my tailbone." He groaned and Arin looked at the girl.

"Who are you?" She stood up, confidence and strength radiating off her, although the girl wasn't scared even a little.

"Who are you?" The girl ignored her and asked her a question.

"I asked first!" Arin clenched her teeth, standing her ground.

"Hey, hey, everyone let's calm down. I'm sure we all are a little on edge, but there is no need to shout." The two looked at Iroh.

"You're right. I'll ask again, who are you?" Arin looked back at the small girl.


"I'm Arin and this is Iroh."

"HERE IS YOUR TEA." Iroh handed Toph a small cup. "You seem a little too young to be traveling alone." Arin stayed silent, studying the girl from Iroh's side.

"You seem a little too old." The girl took the tea, her remark making Arin choke on her tea slightly. This girl was blunt. Iroh started to laugh and Arin let herself smile.

"Perhaps I am."

"I know what you're thinking, I look like I can't handle being by myself." The girl started and Arin looked at Iroh confused.

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