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"WHO WOULD'VE THOUGHT after all these years I'd return to the scene of my greatest military disgrace as a tourist?" Iroh put on a hat with a pink flower and Arin giggled. She glanced at Zuko who turned away, a frown coating his lips.

"Look around. We're not tourists. We're refugees." He took a sip from the bowl in front of him, spitting it out quickly. "Ugh! I'm sick of eating rotten food, sleeping in the dirt. I'm tired of living like this." Arin pouted, feeding into his glumness.

"Poor Princey." She cooed, rubbing his back with both hands. Zuko groaned, putting his head in his hands.

"Aren't we all tired?" A voice said, Arin cringed at the sound, turning to the owner.

"Oh, it's you." She rolled her eyes as she watched the boy walk over.

"Arin." He scowled at the girl before looking from Iroh to Zuko. "My name is Jet, and these are my Freedom Fighters, Smellerbee, and Longshot." the two kids said their hello's and Arin crossed her arms, leaning on the ship's edge. Zuko glanced at her vast change in behavior and glared at Jet.

"Hello." He said crudely.

"Here's the deal. I hear the captain's eating like a king while all us refugees have to feed off his scraps. Doesn't seem fair, does it?" Jet told them.

"Oh, like you know about fairness." Arin scoffed mumbling as she stared at the passing sea.

"What sort of king is he eating like?" Iroh questioned Jet.

"The fat, happy kind." Iroh drooled at this and Arin scooted away from Zuko as Jet got near him. "You wanna help us liberate some food?" Zuko stayed silent, looking down at the bowl of mush in front of him before glancing at Arin who had her head turned away. He bit the inside of his cheek before turning to Jet after throwing his bowl in the water.

"I'm in." At this, Arin gasped, anger rising in her. She turned, looking at Jet and then Zuko and back at Jet. She clenched her teeth and pursed her lips before turning around, loudly groaning in anger. Zuko watched her walk off, sparing Jet and his Freedom Fighters a slightly suspicious glance before following her. "What is your problem with him? Bad ex-boyfriend or something?" He harshly questioned as he neared Arin leaning on the side of the ship, mumbling to herself.

"What?! How could you think that?" She shouted, storming up to Zuko. "That monster there held me captive while he manipulated my friend and brother to destroy a town and attempted to kill tons of people." She harshly informed him, crossing her arms and turning away. "Ex-boyfriend? Hah, don't make me laugh." She spoke, mostly to herself but loud enough for Zuko to hear.

"I captured you and tried to kill your friends, what's the difference?" Arin's eye twitched at this and Zuko slightly regretted even opening his mouth.

"What's the difference?! The difference is at least you were honest about your intentions. Jet and his buddies tried to secretly coerce us into killing innocent people! You can't seriously be thinking about teaming up with him." She glared at him and Zuko looked around, weighing his options and choosing his next words wisely.

"I'm trying to do something good. I'm trying to help you and Uncle. Who cares who helps?"

"I care!" She said, motioning to herself. "Jet is a manipulative monster and I won't eat anything he touches. You can feast all you want, but I'd rather starve than be all kumbaya with a murderer." Arin snapped, Zuko tried to get a word out but was unable as Arin stormed off once more. Zuko took a heavy breath as he watched her leave. Why had he even followed her in the first place? He just spent the last 5 minutes getting yelled at for trying to help. He groaned.

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