Extra Information! Please Read!

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Hey, everyone! Apollo here!
I just wanted to say that reading this story you might notice a few things that I've changed and I just wanted to write this to avoid any confusion.

Yes, I aged up a few characters.

I aged up Arin, Zuko, and Haru.
All these characters were originally 16 but I only moved them up a year or so. In the Intro chapter, it said that Arin is 16 in Book 1 and 17 in the other two. Meaning, she is on the verge of 17 in the first book.

I aged up Haru for the reason I thought it was more appropriate for him to be a little older than Arin but not a legal adult yet. So he's 17 in Book 1 and 18 by his return in Book 3.

I aged up Zuko for the same reason. He is a 17-year-old banished Prince, a little older than Arin. I changed this because of my selfish needs (I'm sorry pls), but there will not be any spicy scenes in the book. Only a few make-outs here and there because, again, they're 17!

I also aged Arin up because her motherly love for the younger kids makes more sense if she is older than them by more than just a few months or a year. She is nearly two years older than Sokka, nearly three older than Katara, and she is almost five years older than Aang!

It also is just a default for me to make my characters have at least one distinct personality trait. Arin's is her motherly attitude lol.

In addition to aging them up, I also changed some of their heights! If you look up how tall the ATLA characters are you'll see they are INCREDIBLY short. (Zuko being 5'3 makes me cringe internally) So I changed them.

As stated in the intro chapter, Arin is 5'7 so everyone's height is mildly based around that! Here's a list of their new heights.

Arin: 5'7
Zuko: 5'11
Sokka: 5'8
Katara: 5'2
Aang: 5'0
Toph: 4'10
Suki: 5'5
Haru: 5'8
Jet: 5'8

It just gives you a rough draft of an idea whenever I write certain sentences like "Looked up at him," or "Looked down on her."

Here's a sneak peek of their ADULT heights I changed as well :)

Arin: 5'11
Zuko: 6'3
Sokka: 6'1
Katara: 5'6
Aang: 6'4
Toph: 5'4
Suki: 5'6

I made all the guys tall even tho they started kinda short (Aang) because in LOK they're seen to be pretty tall.
(Also, it is canon that air nomads are incredibly tall, that's why Arin is taller than the majority of the gang as a teen and adult)

Also, I added a few things to the story for my personal preference. In ATLA, they don't have toothbrushes. In my story, they do. It irks me to think that their breath was PIPING while saving the world, so I added toothbrushes.

I'm a big hygiene person, so Arin will be reflecting on that and keeping herself clean and well-kept.

Alright, that's all!

Love you all,

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