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"Stop worrying about other people. You matter."

"I can't do this with you."

"I love you!"

Gasping awake, Arin sat up from her lying on Appa. They had not risen yet, and she looked around to see where she was. A forest. She looked forward and saw Sokka, Katara, and Aang still asleep. She sighed and rubbed her eyes before running them through her hair. Who was that talking to her? One of the voices sounded like hers, but she couldn't put a finger on the other person.

She grumbled and rolled over, attempting to go back to sleep.

THEY HAD FLOWN TO A MARKET, KATARA SAID THEY RAN OUT OF FOOD. It was clear and bright outside, not a cloud in sight, but something didn't feel right as Arin looked at the blue sky.

She was still on edge after her dream, but this was something else. Something big was coming.

Katara was in the midst of choosing a watermelon from a fruit stand, and the lady trying to scam her. Katara, not falling for it, said they were out of money anyway. The lady took Sokka's fruit basket and kicked him in the rear as they walked away.

"Out of food and out of money. Now what are we supposed to do?" Sokka rubbed his bottom. Arin was about to speak before two people behind them caught her eye.

"You could get a job, smart guy," Katara replied snarky.

"You shouldn't go out there. Please! The fish can wait." A woman said, the rest of the group turning to look at her and the man. "There's going to be a terrible storm."

"Aw, you're crazy. It's a nice day. No clouds, no wind, no nothing, so quit your nagging, woman." The man replied.

"Maybe we should find some shelter." Aang nervously piped.

"Are you kidding? Shelter from what?" Sokka said in disbelief.

"My joints say there's gonna be a storm, a bad one." The woman told the man.

"Well, it's your joints against my brain."

"Then I hope your brain can find someone else to haul that fish, cause I ain't coming!" The woman shouted angrily.

"Then I'll find a new fisherman hauler and pay him double what you get. How do you like that?" At this, Sokka ran forward.

"I'll go!"

"You're hired." The man instantly said. Sokka looked back at the group's concerned looks.

"What? You said to get a job. And he's paying double."

"Double? Who told you that nonsense?" Arin groaned and rolled her eyes.

A STORM WAS ROLLING IN AND THE UNEASY FEELING IN ARIN'S STOMACH GREW STRONGER. Even Aang thought it wasn't a good idea, but no one was convincing Sokka.

"The girl and boy with tattoos have some sense. You should listen to him." The woman walked off and the man repeated her claim in a questioning tone before looking at Arin and Aang.

"With tattoos? Airbender tattoos. Well, I'll be a hog monkey's uncle. One of you is the Avatar, ain't you?" The man walked towards Aang and Arin.

"That's right." Katara and Aang smiled.

"Well, don't be so smiley about it. The Avatar disappeared for a hundred years! You turned your back on the world." He went to put a finger to Aang's chest and Arin grabbed it instinctively.

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