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THE NEXT DAY, Arin and Sokka walked down a staircase to see the prisoners mopping the floor. They turned to see Zuko, now clad in prison garb, next to Suki in the same area and walked towards them.

"Oh, good. You guys have met." Sokka smiled at the sight of the two.

"Actually, we met a long time ago." Suki reminded as she glanced at Zuko.

"We did?"

"Yeah. You kinda burned down my village." Suki replied slightly annoyed and Arin cringed. Way harsh.

"Oh, sorry about that. Nice to see you again." Zuko awkwardly apologized and Arin held a hand in front of her face on her helmet, attempting to face palm. Suki and Zuko put their mops against the wall, Arin and Sokka walking closer towards them.

"So listen, I think I have an escape plan. I checked out the coolers again. The whole point of them is to keep fire benders contained, right?"

"Yeah." Zuko affirmed.

"So they're completely insulated and sealed to keep the cold in. Well, to keep the cold in it also has to keep the heat out, right?" Sokka continued to explain to the group.

"Just get to the point, Sokka." Suki urged him and Arin nodded dramatically in agreement. He was taking way too long to get to the point.

"It's a perfect boat for getting through the boiling water." Suki and Zuko looked at one another.

"The cooler as a boat? Are you sure?" Zuko double checked.

"I'm telling you, it'll work. Arin and I walked around the perimeter. There's a blind spot between two guard towers. It's the perfect launching point. I already tested it out. We'll roll the cooler into the water and just float with the current. It'll take us straight across. As long as we don't make a sound, no one will notice. And bing, bang, boom, we're home free!"

"But how are you gonna get the cooler out?" Suki questioned and Arin turned around, feeling the room's breeze blocked by a body.

"Yeah, how are you gonna get the cooler out?" Chit Sang, the prisoner from the scuffle earlier, swung down to land next to them.

"What? We didn't— we didn't say that!" Sokka waved it off attempting to lie.

"Yeah, you heard wrong." Zuko added harshly.

"I heard you hatching an escape plan, and I want in." Chit Sang insisted.

"There's nothing to get in on." Zuko denied once more.

"Yeah, the only thing we're hatching is... an egg?" Everyone facepalmed at Sokka's terrible lie. For someone so smart, he sure had his moments.

"Okay, well, I come with you or the warden hears about this egg too."

"We have no choice." Arin shrugged. "You're in." She nodded to Chit Sang and looked to Zuko. "First off, we need someone to unbolt the cooler from the inside. That's your job, fire cracker." She handed Zuko the wrench she took from a repair tool box.

"Oh, I can get you inside." Chit Sang smirked. The two then began to act out a fake fight. Zuko shoved him on accident and Chit Sang grew aggressive, the plan working accordingly. Chit Sang threw Zuko aside before Zuko pushed him back. After that, they began to fake tussle, a small riot gathering around them.

"We need backup!" Arin yelled to the guards, a little bit away, playing her part. Zuko and Chit Sang continued fighting until Zuko fire bent at him.

"No fire bending. Into the cooler!" A guard exclaimed. A few guards tackling Zuko and dragging him away to the cooler. Arin bit her tongue at the aggressiveness and nodded off to Sokka.

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