Chapter 45 - The past

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The whole room suddenly became silent, in a short period of time, it was continuous. countless surprises made it impossible for everyone to react in the first few seconds, from Joong and Dunk acting intimately, Fourth confessing that he liked Phuwin to Phuwin's had injury appearing at the door, then That was Alan's revelation that Phuwin was Kirdpan's man. The final surprise for Lertratkosum was that Alan and Akan were Kirdpan's former subordinates, which made Joong, Pond and Fourth also look at Alan and Akan in surprise. They accepted Alan and Akan 15 years ago, the two of them worked very well and satisfied them, they didn't dig too deep into their backgrounds, because Joong and Pond's eyes for people were very good, they were good at seeing people. people in terms of work, so they are very confident in Alan and Akan, in just a short time they can become Lertratkosum's effectiv subordinates..

At that moment, Alan's words made Akan tremble even more, his eyes began to tear up as he looked at Phuwin whose whole body was covered with white gauze. It was the first time Akan showed such an expression, in front of everyone. Dunk ran back to help Phuwin sit neatly on the chair, the wound was temporarily bandaged, a subordinate also prepared another shirt for him to wear. Phuwin, after putting on his shirt, turned to ask about his identity. Alan also sat down and told everyone everything.

Alan and Akan were formerly Kirdpan's subordinates, who were also trusted by Kunakorn Kirdpan

especially, his close subordinates. Kirdpan had two sons, the eldest son was named Nanon, the youngest son was named Phuwin, however at that time, the underworld only knew that Kirdpan had only one son, Nanon, Phuwin was only four years old at that time. They did not pay anyone to ensure their son's safety. 20 years ago, Kirdpan encountered trouble with rival organizations, so the situation at that time was very tense. Alan and Akan then received orders to protect Nanon and Phuwin, but when the organization was bombed, the two lost Phuwin in the middle of their escape. After sending Nanon , Alan and Akan both returned to the organization to assist, but all that remained was ruins.

Alan and Akan then tried to find Phuwin's whereabouts but still to no avail. For five years, both of them investigated this disappearance but all of them did not have a single clue. Because they felt guilty, they both decided to leave the Kirdpan organization. Later, when they became Lertratkosum's subordinates, Alan and Akan still secretly investigated this incident but all made no progress. gradually buried for 20 years, now when he discovered that Phuwin was Kunakorn's son, the memories rushed back, making Akan emotional with joy, and even a little self-blame for not ensuring safety in the past. for both Kírdpan brothers.

At the end of the story, the whole room suddenly became strangely quiet, the echo made everyone feel depressed for a while, especially Phuwin, he still couldn't believe that he had such a past, and he is the son of an organization that once existed so strong.

"So, the person you said is my brother, where he now ?"

Phuwin, after hearing Alan's next words, asked again

" Nanon, at that time we sent him to a family, it was the last choice, that family was passing by so we had to send him out of the country, later his whereabouts were not found, we only know He is still alive and calls occasionally"

"He have many different numbers"

Alan recounted, at that time he was holding seven-year-old Nanon on his body, was chased by a group of people, and finally wanted to cut off and distract them, so Alan begged a family of people to Nanon, give me the sentence

Leaving the chaotic area, Alan only had time to give the business card with his phone number to Nanon, that phone number he kept until now and did not dare to change, and indeed Nanon did contact him again. true, but never appeared nor revealed his whereabouts to Alan and Akan. After cutting them off. Alan reunited with Akan and tried to find Phuwin's whereabouts but found nothing. Finally, when he returned, the entire organization was destroyed, blood stained the whole land red, everywhere he went he saw human corpses, and there were also corpses. not intact because of the medicine. The two went to the hall, witnessed Kunakorn and his wife no longer breathing in the middle of the house, surrounded by dust and cigarette smoke, both were killed by several bullets stuck in their hearts.

"Your brother is still looking for your whereabouts every day, Phuwin"

Akan spoke up, perhaps when Phuwin Nanon finds out this identity, he will appear, or will stand there

somewhere silently protecting him, because Nanon is investigating the flower bed of the old organization, wanting to find who is behind the harm to his family.

After a while of chatting, Phuwin also agreed

Accepting his own identity, learning that his family and organization had been murdered, Phuwin also felt resentment in his heart. He suddenly began to look forward to the day he would meet Nanon, his older brother. . Finish talking about Phuwin's identity

It was almost noon, but Joong still made everyone sit down. He originally called Alan Akan here this morning because he had something to discuss. He didn't expect Phuwin to appear at the door covered in blood. Let's talk about it. So far away, there was another discovery that shocked everyone.

Currently, everyone is sitting in the living room, maintaining their original sitting positions. Before Joong could speak, Pond must have raised his voice and said something that made the whole room fall into silence again.

"Tell me, why did you come back like this?"

Pond raised his eyes to Phuwin, his eyes questioning

asked, unable to guess his thoughts, but every time Phuwin looked at him, he suddenly trembled a beat. Gently swallowing his saliva, Phuwin sat down and told everyone the story of last night

"Um... the thing is..."



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