Shino - Laugh It Off 💋

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Word Count - 2057

I laid still on the grass. My hands spread wide feeling the grass below me. My breathing seemed to pulsate with the waves of air through the blades. I was too entrapped in the hums of the wind to notice the footsteps coming closer. It was only when he spoke that I noticed him.

"Hey (Y/N)" I shot my eyes up at him. The waves of the grass seized around me.

"Shino" I breathed. He slowly walked towards me before he sat down without a word. He picked up a bug from the ground. A bug I wouldn't have notice. I am always a tuned to the touch of Mother Nature around me but it never compares to his sense of the insect around him. He always notices the little things. That's something I admire about him. Though I would never dare to admit. Shino was an allusive one. Something about him was mysterious and sexy to me. I would spend nights dreaming of him. He was too closed off for me to every admit my feelings.

"It's time" he informed me. I was on a mission with him and Kiba. I got up from the grass ready to take my shift watching for the night. He walked back to camp without another word leaving me silently begging for more of his attention. I got up and started my shift on watch. I couldn't stop thinking about the way his deep sexy voice said my name. It was going to be a long mission if I couldn't get over my impulsive feelings.


We made it to the sand village and quickly gathered the information that the sixth sent us here for. We were in charge of gathering intel on a poison Sakura thought was being traveled by insects.  Kiba was here to help us track down the smell of the original poison while Shino and I were to inspect the nature of it. Shino obviously being the bug expert while I was a nature kunoichi.


As we made our way back towards the leaf my thoughts of Shino crept back into my mind. I thought about the way he said my name. "(Y/N)" he would breathe heavy of his tongue. I wanted him to moan the words into my ear. I wanted him to get off on my touch. I wanted him to be at my will as I took control of the situation. Have so much control that I ultimately was under his will. As he begged for me to let him cum. I would do so to please my lover. My lover if only I could touch him the way I wanted.

"I can smell you" Kiba whisper into my ear bringing me back into reality. My face instantly became a deep shade of pink. "I know those thoughts aren't for me but the way you smell makes me wish they were" my face got even pinker if that was possible.

"I'll take the first watch" I said abruptly trying to distract myself. I walked into to the forest as the two boys set up camp.

I walked aimlessly through the forest. Why was I so hot for the aloof bug guy. He didn't even notice me. Even though Kiba recognized my feelings towards him I knew Shino didn't. There was no way he did. It seemed the only thing he cared about was his insect. Why would he care about me. Granted my nature jutsu could fall perfectly compatible with his. I thought he would have noticed me by now if it were true. It must not be. It was all in my head. The attraction I have for him is a fantasy. A fantasy at best. I would long for the days he would call me his but for now the only thing he called his was his bugs.
I was entrapped by the way he cared about his insect. He was so knowledgeable about the subject. Thinking about how smart my fantasy lover was made me tremble. I rubbed my thighs together. One in part to get ride of my thoughts and the other to relieve the ache between my thighs. How I would love to relive this ache by his touch. His fingers caressing down my body till they reached my womenhood. Slowly caressing my need for him. A finger sliding under my panties to be places on my bottom lips. His fingers rubbing up and down my slit till it was wet enough for him to enter. Two finger making their way into my entrance as his thumb traced circles on my clit. The two fingers pumping inside of me. Curling up as they made their way out. He would repeat the process hitting my g-spot as a moan for him.

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