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My contract had ended at Manchester City and now I had to look and consider the offers that had been sent to me to play elsewhere. Gareth Taylor had decided not to offer me an extension on my contract, I wasn't mad about it. I knew it was time I tried playing elsewhere though I wasn't sure where I wanted to play.

I made myself a coffee at my Manchester flat which I shared with my house mates Chloe Kelly and Lauren Hemp. "Have you decided yet, who you want to play for?" Chloe asked as she joined me. "Hmm no, I need to have a look this morning and let my agent know by this afternoon." I sighed. "Wow really, Lili? That soon?" Chloe gasped in shock. "Yeah, my contract ends at midnight tomorrow and then I'll be expected at my new club by Monday... the stress is unreal if I'm honest." I shrug. "Morning losers." Lauren says plopping herself down next to us. "What time do you call this Hempo?" I laugh, it had just turned 12pm. "What? It's a day off for a reason Lil... rest and relaxation. I'm getting it all." Lauren shot back with a smirk. Chloe and I I laugh at Lauren's lack of giving a damn at the time.

"Sooo, any closer?" Lauren asked once she had woken up properly. "Nope... I've only just started to look." I say.  "Who's given you offers anyway?" Chloe asked. I spread out the contracts on the table. "Wow, quite a few... wait PSG, Wolfsburg... Barcelona?" Chloe's eyes go wide as she sees the logos at the top of the headed paper contracts. "Yeah... but I'm definitely not taking them... I don't want to go out of England... I'd rather stay in England." I said as I placed all the out of England contracts in a pile, barely bothering to consider them. Chloe and Lauren seem shocked but don't make any comment on it.

"So that leaves... Everton, Tottenham, West Ham and Arsenal." I say as I scan each contact. "Some of them are really low on the league table..." Chloe stated. "Hmm I know. I can either decide to add my ability to strengthen the club or go for a club whatever the ranking and add my ability to their team regardless." I say. I read through each contract but the one who catches my eye the most was Arsenal. The girls stay with me for a while and helped me to decide, after much deliberation and discussion between the three of us I finally came to a decision. Arsenal it is...

I ring my agent within the next half an hour, he picks up almost straight away. "Hello Lili, how are you?" Adam speaks into the phone. "Hi Adam... I think I finally made my choice..." I say with a small smile playing on my lips. "That's great. What did you decide?" He asked. "I think I'm going to join Arsenal." I say confidently. "Arsenal? Good choice. I will set the ball in motion and send you over the details. Use the rest of today to get your belongings together and ready to move. I will be in touch once I have spoken to your new club." Adam tells me. "Thank you Adam." I smile and then we both hang up.

"Arsenal, in the red and white." Chloe grins. "Oh god, I just thought..." Lauren started "what?" Chloe asked "Chloe we're gonna have Katie McCabe and Lili Burns playing in the same team..." Lauren facepalmed. "Oh damn..." Chloe says upon realisation.

"Yep... yellow cards galore." I smirk. It was no secret that on the pitch I was passionate about the game, where Katie was Arsenal's all time yellow card recipient, I was currently Manchester City's most yellow card recipient. Would I outdo Katie's yellow card reputation? I guess only time would tell. The three of us laughed about it for a moment. This could get interesting.

I should really introduce myself... my name is Liliana (Lili) Burns, I'm 25 years old and I'm going to be playing for Arsenal, transferring from Manchester City... I'm well known for my passion on the pitch, though sometimes people think that's who I am as a person. Deep down I'm a total softy off the pitch. My best friends at Manchester City are Chloe Kelly and Lauren Hemp... with whom I also play alongside at England camp. I'm friends with some of the Arsenal girls too since some of them play for England, this transfer is going to be good... I'm sure of it.

Most of the day was spent packing my stuff up for my move, Lauren and Chloe were gems and helped me sort things out. "Ahh and we're done." I say as I zipped up my last bag of things. "Great, that gives you an hour to get ready." Chloe smiles "Ready for what?" I questioned trying to think if there was something I'd forgotten. "Don't ask questions Lili, put something smart/ casual on and meet us in the lounge." Lauren stated, with an eye roll I go and find something to wear and get ready.

Once I was ready, I came out my room to find Lauren and Chloe dressed up ready to go out. I asked no questions, I knew the girls wouldn't tell me anything more. We headed out to the Uber and headed off down the street. "Thanks mate." Chloe said as we stepped outside of the Uber at one of our favourite restaurants. "You guys..." I smile and hug them both. I assumed the three of us were having dinner out. Both girls smiled. "Go on then." Lauren says pushing me in front of them. I walked into the restaurant casually and jump in shock when "SURPRISE." Was yelled by my closest Manchester City teammates. "You guys!" I gasp in shock. I go round and hug all my teammates. "You didn't really think we'd let you slip out of the team did you?" Lani grinned "well I wasn't expecting this." I say swallowing back the tears. "Come on Lili!" Jill laughs and pulls me in to her for a hug. "How's the knee?" I asked. "Getting there." She shrugs. I made my way round Kerstin, Alex, Demi, Ellie and Khiara before we all seated. I really hadn't expected any of this.

I'd had a great time out to dinner with all my close City girls. It was a perfect end to my time at Manchester City... for now it was time for home for my last nights sleep in my shared flat with Lauren and Chloe.

I had really enjoyed my night with the girls, when we all got back we muttered tired goodnights to one and other and headed to our respective rooms. I checked my emails quickly before putting my phone on charge. There was an email from my agent.

Hi Lili,
I hope you enjoyed your last day with Manchester City. I have spoken with your new chosen club, Arsenal.

Tomorrow you will begin your moving process, a room within a shared house has been cleared and is ready for you and your belongings. You will house share with Kyra Cooney- Cross, a fellow Arsenal team mate. Once you arrive and are settled you're to meet with Jonas, your new manager and sign your Arsenal contract, followed by a couple of hours media. From then on Jonas will give you instructions on what you will do next.

Good luck with your new club,

I climbed into bed and exited my email app. Kyra Cooney-Cross? Who was she, I don't think I've ever even seen her. I put my phone on the side on charge and attempted to sleep. I tossed and turned and tossed and turned. Frustrated with the lack of being able to sleep, I bring both my arms down slapping the bed and sit bolt up right. "God sakes." I mumble and sigh. I grabbed my phone from off the side and opened up Instagram. "Cooney-cross." I mutter under my breath as I typed it into the search bar. "Ahh..." I breathed softly upon finding the profile of Kyra. I have a look through some of her photos, she seems nice... smiley maybe a bit of a joker. I can cope with that.

For the second time that night I attempted to fall asleep though this time I do with ease.

A/n- hello new and (hopefully old readers) first part of my Katie fic! Hope you're all well.

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