We're So...Happy

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We were up early ready for training, the smile from last night was still firmly on both mine and Kyra's faces. Yeah, it might have been different to what I was used to but it was still good. "Lils..." Kyra starts as she dresses, I laid in bed watching her. I was content. "Hmm?" I answered "my legs are still jelly..." Kyra admits. "Fuck, can you still train?" I ask, my voice filled with concern. "Did I hurt you?" I continue now fully sat up. "No, you didn't. Don't worry. It was... well I haven't experienced that before." Kyra admits. "Wait... was I your first?" I frown at the prospect of being her first and going all in on her like I did. "No, it's been a while... you were perfect." I inwardly sigh in relief. "You're gonna have to take it easy today babe. Ice bath style." I say. "Damn. Yeah. I'll be ok... you were totally worth the wait babe." Kyra smiles, her smile genuine. "I'm glad I was alright. I wanted to be gentle on you. You're not just another girl." I remind. Kyra walks over to my bed and leans forward to me. "I know I'm not, you showed me that last night. It was the best...I loved it." Kyra kisses me. "Now get up before I refuse to go to work and stay in bed with you all day." I smirk. "Is that an offer? Because if it is I will not refuse." "Liliiii. Hey, get up." Kyra steals the covers off me. "Fine, I'm up." I get up and get washed and dressed.

We walk through the building towards the changing rooms, Kyra and I were joined by a very smiley Caitlin and stoic looking Katie. I watch as Caitlin and Kyra walked together. A smile forms on my lips as I noticed they were both mirroring the same walk. "Good night Cait?" I speak up deciding against speaking to Katie. She didn't seem to want to talk, we were at work after all. Back to civil exchanges. "Very..." Caitlin blushed. "You look hoppy...happy!" I quickly corrected myself, fighting back the laugh willing to come out in my throat.  Katie clears her throat shooting me a look, shit. Not good, I tell myself. We walk into the changing room, the room was already packed out with most of the girls. Some getting ready and some already ready. Kyra and Caitlin chatter and laugh between themselves, I smile widely.

"Oh 'ello you four. Nice of you to join us." Beth chimes as Katie and I find our cubbies and start to get ready. "Hey Beth, bright and cheery as ever." I wink. "Don't, she's been up since 5:30 am and she's already had 4 coffees." Viv laughs in amusement. "Anyway, what's got you smiling like that?" Viv raised an eyebrow. Kyra wanders over to her cubby, finished with the conversation she'd shared with Caitlin. My smile grows wider as I watch her walk over. Beth gasps and Viv laughs. "Well, damn... Liliana Burns..." Viv gasps. "Hmm?" I answered "don't you 'hmm' me" Viv laughs. I sigh with a smile. I get changed and go over to Kyra. "Are you ok?" I ask "hmm, I'm fine babe." Kyra takes my hand in hers, we share a look between us. For a moment it was like no one else was in the room. "Cait!! You too?!" Beth exclaimed. "Katie McCabe, what did you do to our little Aussie?" She continued. Kyra and I turn to look at Caitlin and Katie, Caitlin smirks. Katie now in the room filled with the girls smiles too. "Oh wouldn't you like to know Beth... maybe Vivi could show you?" Katie smirked to Beth. Beth turns to Viv and with a pout says "Vivi I want one!" The whole team howls with laughter. "Oh we're so...happy today team!" Beth announced proudly, after smirking to whatever Viv had whispered in her ear. "Happy fc, bitches!" I laugh.

We all make our way to the pitch, instantly pairing up into our pairs for warm up. "It's getting warmer." I lazily make small talk, Katie looks at me and frowns. "The weather..." I clarify. "I know what you're on about Burns." Katie rolls her eyes at me. I ignore her mood. I was stupid to think I'd get the side of Katie I got yesterday. I continue on with warm ups, I don't speak much after that, instead I focus at beating my current training records. I concentrate harder than usual, maybe it was the fact that Katie wasn't in the talking mood or maybe I just wanted to get this done so I could see Kyra. Who knows but I continue anyway.

Water break soon comes round, I stroll over to Kyra. "Hey, lover." I grin as I cover her eyes from behind her back. "Babbby." Kyra grins and turns in my grip, her arms find my neck, mine find her waist. "Missed you." I grin. "You can't have missed me as much as I missed you" Kyra smiled, I lean in and kiss her lips. We both pull away smiling widely.

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